OpenAI-Stock-Market-Chat-Bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OpenAI-Stock-Market-Chat-Bot copied to clipboard

Python Streamlit web app with an SQLite user login/authentication system. Application allows users to select multiple stocks, metrics, and visualizations. A Langchain pandas agent utilizing GPT-4 and...

GPT4 LangChain Pandas Agent Stock Market Chat Bot


Python Streamlit web app with an SQLite user login/authentication system. Application allows users to select multiple stocks, metrics, and visualizations. A Langchain pandas agent utilizing GPT-4 and customized stock-market/financial prompts is then initiated allowing the user to intelligently interact with their specified data.

Available Stocks

['AAPL', 'AI', 'AMZN', 'BTC-USD', 'DOW', 'ETH-USD', 'F', 'GOOGL', 'LCID', 'LYFY', 'MSFT', 'NIO', 'NVDA', 'TSL']

Available Metrics

  1. Adjusted Close
  2. Relative Returns

Available Visualizations

  1. Line Chart
  2. Area Chart


V4 Improvements

  1. Using Sqlite3, implemented user login/authentiation system

V4 Screenshot



V3 Improvements

  1. GPT4 Support
  2. ChatBot Memory of Chat implemented
  3. Improved prompting
  4. More Stock Options included


V2 Improvements

  1. Improved organization of modularity of code
  2. Incorporated .env variables for OpenAI API key
  3. Incorporated sidebar
  4. Allow user to specify stock metric (adjusted closing, relative returns)
  5. Allow user to specify desired data visualization
  6. Allow user to adjust temperature of chat bot resposes
  7. Display Chat History


