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Python Streamlit web app utilizing OpenAI (GPT4) and LangChain LLM tools with access to Wikipedia, DuckDuckgo Search, and a ChromaDB with previous research embeddings. Ultimately delivering a research...

GPT4 LangChain Agents Research Web App


Python Streamlit web app utilizing OpenAI (GPT4) and LangChain agents with access to PubMed, Wikipedia, and DuckDuckGo. Ultimately delivering a research report for a user-specified input, including an introduction, quantitative facts, relevant publications, books, and YouTube links. Users can then also chat about this and other previous research with a GPT4 chatbot. Data is stored relationally in SQLite and also vectorized into a ChromaDB for agent retrieval.

V3 - Implemented ChromaDB Vector DB and use in LangChain agents / tools


V2 Screenshots

V2 Research Generation


V2 Previous Research Rendering


V1 Screenshots

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