Please add it to the rework-project branch. It should be available only through xDrip+ based on threads in FB AAPS users group.
this page please - Please PR on the branch rework-project.
it's available since release 3.0 as stated in the docs but no documentation about how to setup available in the docs Please PR on the branch rework-project.
this page please - Please PR on the branch rework-project.
check documentation and if necessary update for Dexcom G7 to get a good base for the rework-project Please PR on the branch rework-project.
check documentation and if necessary update for Diaconn G8 to get a good base for the rework-project
this file please - Please PR on the branch rework-project.
this page please - Please PR on the branch rework-project.
Crowdin don't understand them and corrupts the translations.