PerceptualColourMaps.jl copied to clipboard
Perceptually Uniform Colour Maps for Julia
Hello. Thank you for your project and article. I have been inspired by your project and trying to analyze it in more detail, but I have found one strange part...
Hi. I love these colourmaps. Right now I only end up using them when I plot something, though, and in my work it would be great to easily produce a...
seems like a nice package, and i'd like to use it, but the dependencies on PyPlot and Images are turning me away. why should generating colormaps require those packages? i...
I am wondering if the core functionality (mostly in `src/cmap.jl`) could be factored out into a smaller package with lighter dependencies (especially dropping PyPlot, which is rather heavy and is...
Hi I'm trying to do something similar to below: ``` using Images, PerceptualColourMaps dataIn = sineramp() tmp = applycolormap(dataIn, cmap("R3")) @show typeof(tmp), size(tmp) img = colorview(RGB, permutedims(tmp, (3,1,2))) save("tester.png", img)...