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Useful proptypes for React

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Extended Prop Types

Useful proptypes for React components. Developed for and tested on ClassDojo's web app.


This module exports a set of proptype validators.

import ExtendedPropTypes from "extended-proptypes";

class MyComponent extends Component {

  static propTypes = {
    myDate: ExtendedPropTypes.date.isRequired,
    mySatanicString: ExtendedPropTypes.stringMatching(/^6+$/).isRequired,

If you only need a few of the provided functions, individual validators can be imported under /lib/validators.

import keyedObject from "extended-proptypes/lib/validators/keyedObject";

class MyComponent extends Component {

  static propTypes = {
    mySpecialObject: keyedObject(/keyregex/).isRequired,

It may be convenient to not have to reference both the original proptypes object and also this one. To resolve this, you can use one of two methods:

  • extended-proptypes/lib/extend-from-react imports {PropTypes} from react and adds all of its methods to this module's export.
  • extended-proptypes/lib/extend-from-standalone imports PropTypes from prop-types and adds all of its methods to this module's export.
import `extended-proptypes/lib/extend-from-react`;
import PropTypes from "extended-proptypes";

class MyComponent extends Component {

  static propTypes = {
    myEmailAddress: PropTypes.emailAddress.isRequired,
    myArrayOrObject: PropTypes.collectionOf(PropTypes.bool),

When NODE_ENV === "production", since React will not validate PropTypes, this method exports stubbed versions of each validator.

New Prop Types

All validators expose basic and isRequired versions.


  • elementWithType(Type): A react element matching the provided type, which may be a class or a function.


  • collection: An array or a plain object.
  • collectionOf(validator): An array or a plain object whose values match the provided validator.
  • keyedObject(regex): An object whose keys match the provided regex.
  • keyedObjectOf(regex, validator): An object whose keys match the provided regex and whose values match the provided validator.
  • iterable: An iterable. Errors if enviroment does not support symbols.

General Primatives

  • constant(val): The provided val, only.
  • primative: a number, a string, or a boolean.
  • stringMatching(regex): A string that matches the provided regex.
  • stringWithLength(min, max=Infinity): A string with length between min and max, inclusive. If only one argument is provided, requires exactly that length.
  • hex: A string consisting of hex characters, with an optional 0x at the beginning.
  • date: A date object.
  • dateBetween(min, max=Infinity): A date object which is within the provided interval.
  • time: A value parsable by new Date().
  • timeBetween(min, max=Infinity): A value parsable by new Date() which is within the provided interval.
  • uuid: A uuid string (e.g. 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000).
  • locale: A locale string, like en-US or jp.
  • emailAddress: An email address (regex taken from the highest-upvoted SO answer).


  • percent: A percentage.
  • cssLength: A single css length, like 24px, 43% or 4rem.
  • cssSize: Between 1 and 4 css lengths.
  • color: A hex or rgb(a) string


  • mongoId: A 24-character hex string.
  • mongoIdKeyedObject: An object whose keys are mongo ids.
  • mongoIdKeyedObjectOf(validator): An object whose keys are mongo ids and whose values match the provided validator.