micropython-tft-gui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
micropython-tft-gui copied to clipboard

Simple GUI for Pyboard and TFT touch panel displays


Provides a simple touch driven event based GUI interface for the Pyboard when used with a TFT display. The latter should be based on SSD1963 controller with XPT2046 touch controller. Such displays are available in electronics stores e.g. and on eBay. The software is based on drivers for the TFT and touch controller from Robert Hammelrath.

It now uses and requires uasyncio V3.

It is targeted at hardware control and display applications.


For hardware notes see this reference. An extension for plotting simple graphs is described here.

For sample images, go here. A video may be seen here.


  1. Release notes
  2. Pre requisites
    2.1 Pre installation
    2.2 Library Documentation
    2.3 Python files
    2.4 Running the demos
  3. Icons
  4. Concepts
    4.1 Terminology
    4.2 Coordinates
    4.3 Colors
    4.4 Callbacks
    4.5 Screens
  5. Program Structure
  6. Class Screen
    6.1 Class methods
    6.2 Constructor
    6.3 Callback methods
    6.4 Method
  7. Display Widgets Non touch sensitive displayable objects.
    7.1 Class Label
    7.2 Class Dial
    7.3 Class LED
    7.4 Class Meter
    7.5 Class IconGauge
    7.6 Vector display
  8. Control Widgets Touch sensitive displayable objects
    8.1 Class Slider
    8.2 Class Knob
    8.3 Class Checkbox
    8.4 Class Button
    8.5 Class ButtonList: emulate a button with multiple states
    8.6 Class RadioButtons
    8.7 Class IconButton also checkbox
    8.8 Class IconRadioButtons
    8.9 Class Listbox
    8.10 Class Dropdown
  9. Dialog Boxes
    9.1 Class Aperture
    9.2 Class DialogBox
  10. Developer Notes

1. Release notes for existing users

Release 0.7 16th Jun 2020 Refactored as a Python package (see below). Add vector display widgets. Release 0.6 15th Jun 2020 Uses (and requires) uasyncio V3. Release 0.51 14th Feb 2017 add Screen.after_open method. Release 0.5 7th Jan 2017. Uses uasyncio in place of usched. Release 0.2 17th Nov 2016. Uses fonts created with the font_to_py.py utility.

V0.7 note

This has been refactored as a Python package. This enables a modular design and reduces RAM use to the point where frozen bytecode is not usually required. All test scripts apart from the icon test will run without frozen code.

Applications will require changes to import statements.

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2. Pre requisites

2.1 Pre installation

Before running the GUI the hardware should be tested. The display may optionally be calibrated according to the instructions on Robert Hammelrath's site. Resistive touch panels work best when activated by a stylus or fingernail. They are also subject to jitter to a degree which varies between display models: the touch library uses digital filtering to reduce the effect of jitter. This uses two values confidence and margin which may be fine tuned to the unit in use prior to running the GUI. The optimum values, together with calibration data, should be stored in the file tft_local.py listed below.

Some familiarity with callbacks and event driven programming will be of help in developing applications. The GUI classes are in two categories, those rendered using icons and those drawn by means of graphics primitives. Either (or both) may be used in a project.

Smaller applications not using icon controls will run without frozen bytecode. Users planning larger applications should familiarise themselves with building Micropython from source, and with the technique for installing Python modules as frozen bytecode. Official instructions on how to do this may be found here. At the time of writing these did not reflect the new "manifest" system, which is described here.


To ensure the correct version of uasyncio firmware must be a daily build or a release build later than V1.12.

2.2 Library Documentation

Documentation for the underlying libraries may be found at these sites.
Robert Hammelrath's drivers:
XPT2046 driver
TFT driver
Other references:
Proposed standard font format
TFT driver fork Robert Hammelrath's driver adapted for above font format.
uasyncio libraries and notes

2.3 Python files

The simplest way to install this library is to copy the tft directory and all its contents to the Pyboard's filesystem.

Hardware driver in tft/driver:

  1. TFT_io.py Low level TFT driver. Cannot be frozen.

Core files in tft/driver:

  1. tft.py TFT driver.
  2. touch_bytecode.py Touch panel driver.
  3. ugui.py The micro GUI library.
  4. constants.py Constants such as colors and shapes (import using from tft.driver.constants import *)
  5. tft_local.py Local hardware definition (user defined settings including optional calibration data). This file should be edited to match your hardware.

Synchronisation primitives in tft/primitives:

  1. delay_ms A software retriggerable timer.

Optional files used by test programs:

Fonts in tft/fonts:

  1. font10.py Font file.
  2. font14.py Ditto.

Icons in tft/icons:

  1. radiobutton.py Icon file for icon radio buttons
  2. checkbox.py Icon file for icon checkboxes.
  3. iconswitch.py Icon file for an on/off switch.
  4. traffic.py Icons for traffic light button
  5. gauge.py Icons for linear gauge
  6. flash.py Icons for flashing button
  7. threestate.py Icon for 3-state checkbox

Test/demo programs in tft/demos:

  1. vst.py A test program for vertical linear sliders.
  2. hst.py Tests horizontal slider controls, meters and LED.
  3. buttontest.py Pushbuttons and checkboxes.
  4. knobtest.py Rotary controls, a dropdown list, a listbox. Also shows the two styles of "greying out" of disabled controls.
  5. screentest.py Test of multiple screens.
  6. dialog.py A modal dialog box.
  7. ibt.py Test of icon buttons.
  8. vtest.py Vector display: clock and compass displays.

If you don't intend to use icons, icon files and demo 7 may be ignored.

By the standards of the Pyboard this is a large library. All test scripts will run without frozen bytecode with the exception of ibt.py. Larger applications and any using icons will require freezing some modules to conserve RAM.

When freezing files create the same directory structure in your frozen modules directory. For example, create the directory 'tft/icons' and copy all icons there. This allows the import statements to be unchanged.

Preferred candidates for freezing are icons (if used), fonts and drivers. The hardware driver listed above cannot be frozen as it uses inline assembler and Viper code. It's probably unwise to freeze tft_local.py as it may need to be edited for calibration values etc.

Instructions on creating icon files may be found in the TFT driver README. Fonts should be created using font_to_py.py. The -x argument should be employed.

2.4 Running the demos

Demos run on import, which is done using the following syntax:

from tft.demos import hst

If you experience memory errors after running more than one demo, issue ctrl-d to reset the board.

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3. Icons

Most classes use graphics primitives to draw objects on the screen. A few employ icons: this is arguably prettier but less "micro". It uses large icon files which must be frozen as bytecode. By contrast objects drawn with graphics primitives are scalable. Further, properties such as colors can efficiently be changed at runtime: to achieve this with an icon-based object would require a set of colored icons to be created at design time. The library is usable without the icon classes.

Instructions and a utility for creating icon files may be found in Robert Hammelrath's TFT driver README.

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4. Concepts

4.1 Terminology

GUI objects are created on a Screen instance which normally fills the entire physical screen. Displayable GUI objects comprise control and display instances. The former can respond to touch (e.g. Pushbutton instances) while the latter cannot (LED or Dial instances).

4.2 Coordinates

In common with most displays, the top left hand corner of the display is (0, 0) with increasing values of x to the right, and increasing values of y downward. Display objects exist within a rectangular bounding box; in the case of touch sensitive controls this corresponds to the sensitive region. Locations are defined as a 2-tuple (x, y). The location of an object is defined as the location of the top left hand corner of the bounding box.

4.3 Colors

These are defined as a 3-tuple (r, g, b) with values of red, green and blue in range 0 to 255. The interface and this document uses the American spelling (color) throughout for consistency with the TFT library.

4.4 Callbacks

The interface is event driven. Controls may have optional callbacks which will be executed when a given event occurs. A callback function receives positional arguments. The first is a reference to the object raising the callback. Subsequent arguments are user defined, and are specified as a tuple or list of items. Callbacks are optional, as are the argument lists - a default null function and empty list are provided. Callbacks are usually bound methods - see the Screens section for a reason why this is useful.

All controls and displays have a tft property. This enables callbacks to access drawing primitives.

4.5 Screens

GUI controls and displays are rendered on a Screen instance. A user program may instantiate multiple screens, each with its own set of GUI objects. The Screen class has class methods enabling runtime changes of the screen being rendered to the physical display. This enables nested screens. The feature is demonstrated in screentest.py.

Applications should be designed with a Screen subclass for each of the application's screens (even if the app uses only a single screen). This faciitates sharing data between GUI objects on a screen, and also simplifies the handling of control callbacks. These will be methods bound to the user screen. They can access the screen's bound variables via self and the control's bound methods via the callback's first argument (which is a reference to the control). A simple example can be seen in the KnobScreen example in screentest.py.

The Screen class has 3 null methods which may be implemented in subclasses: on_open which runs when a screen is opened but prior to its display, after_open which is called after display, and on_hide which runs when a screen change is about to make the screen disappear. These may be used to instantiate or control tasks and to retrieve results from a modal dialog box.

The Screen class is configured in tft_local.py.

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5. Program Structure

The following illustrates the structure of a minimal program:

from tft.driver.ugui import Screen
from tft.driver.constants import *
from tft.driver.tft_local import setup

from tft.fonts import font14
from tft.widgets.buttons import Button

class BaseScreen(Screen):
    def __init__(self):
        Button((10, 10), font = font14, fontcolor = BLACK, text = 'Hi')

The last line causes the Screen class to instantiate your BaseScreen and to start the scheduler using that screen object. Control then passes to the scheduler: any code following this line will not run until the GUI is shut down and the scheduler is stopped (by calling Screen.shutdown()).

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6. Class Screen

The Screen class presents a full-screen canvas onto which displayable objects are rendered. Before instantiating GUI objects a Screen instance must be created. This will be the current one until another is instantiated. When a GUI object is instantiated it is associated with the current screen.

The best way to use the GUI, even in single screen programs, is to create a user screen by subclassing the Screen class. GUI objects are instantialited in the constructor after calling the Screen constructor. This arrangement facilitates communication between objects on the screen. The following presents the outline of this approach:

def backbutton(x, y):
    def back(button):
    Button((x, y), height = 30, font = font14, fontcolor = BLACK, callback = back,
           fgcolor = CYAN,  text = 'Back', shape = RECTANGLE, width = 80)

class Screen_0(Screen):
    def __init__(self):
        Label((0, 0), font = font14, width = 400, value = 'Test screen')
        backbutton(390, 242)

Note that the GUI is started by issuing Screen.change with the class as its argument rather than an instance. This assists in multi-screen programs: screens are only instantiated when they are to be displayed. This allows RAM to be reclaimed by the garbage collector when the screen is closed.

6.1 Class methods

In normal use the following methods only are required:

  • change Change screen, refreshing the display. Mandatory positional argument: the new screen class name. This must be a class subclassed from Screen. The class will be instantiated and displayed. Optional keyword arguments: args=[], kwargs={}. These are arguments for the subclass constructor.
  • back Restore previous screen.
  • shutdown Clear the screen and shut down the GUI.
  • set_grey_style Sets the way in which disabled ('greyed-out') objects are displayed. The colors of disabled objects are dimmed by a factor and optionally desaturated (turned to shades of grey). Optional keyword arguments: desaturate default True and factor default 2. A ValueError will result if factor is <= 1. The default style is to desaturate and dim by a factor of

Other method:

  • get_tft Return the TFT instance. This allows direct drawing to the physical screen. Anything so drawn will be lost when the screen is changed. In normal use the TFT instance is acquired via a GUI object's tft property.

See screentest.py and dialog.py for examples of multi-screen design.

6.2 Constructor

This takes no arguments.

6.3 Callback methods

These do nothing, and are intended to be defined in subclasses if required.

  • on_open Called when a screen is displayed.
  • after_open Called after a screen has been displayed.
  • on_hide Called when a screen ceases to be current.

6.4 Method

  • reg_task args task, on_change=False. The first arg may be a Task instance or a coroutine. It is a convenience method which provides for the automatic cancellation of tasks. If a screen runs independent coros it can opt to register these. On shudown, any registered tasks of the base screen are cancelled. On screen change, registered tasks with on_change True are cancelled. For finer control applications can ignore this method and handle cancellation explicitly in code.
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7. Display Widgets

These classes provide ways to display data and are not touch sensitive.

7.1 Class Label

Displays text in a fixed length field. The height of a label is determined by the metrics of the specified font.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Keyword only arguments:

  • font Mandatory. Font object to use.
  • width The width of the object in pixels. Default: None - width is determined from the dimensions of the initial text.
  • border Border width in pixels - typically 2. If omitted, no border will be drawn.
  • fgcolor Color of border. Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • value Initial text. Default: None.


  • value Argument val string, default None. If provided, refreshes the label with the passed text otherwise clears the text in the label.
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7.2 Class Dial

Displays angles in a circular dial. Angles are in radians with zero represented by a vertical pointer. Positive angles appear as clockwise rotation of the pointer. The object can display multiple angles using pointers of differing lengths (e.g. clock face).

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Keyword only arguments (all optional):

  • height Dimension of the square bounding box. Default 100 pixels.
  • fgcolor Color of border. Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • border Border width in pixels - typically 2. If omitted, no border will be drawn.
  • pointers Tuple of floats in range 0 to 0.9. Defines the length of each pointer as a proportion of the dial diameter. Default (0.9,) i.e. one pointer of length 0.9.
  • ticks Defines the number of graduations around the dial. Default 4.


  • value Arguments: angle (mandatory), pointer (optional) the pointer index. Displays an angle. A ValueError will be raised if the pointer index exceeds the number of pointers defined by the constructor pointers argument.
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7.3 Class LED

Displays a boolean state. Can display other information by varying the color.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Keyword only arguments (all optional):

  • height Dimension of the square bounding box. Default 30 pixels.
  • fgcolor Color of border. Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • border Border width in pixels - typically 2. If omitted, no border will be drawn.
  • color The color of the LED. Default RED.


  • value Argument val boolean, default None. If provided, lights or extinguishes the LED. Always returns its current state.
  • color Argument color. Change the LED color without altering its state.
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7.4 Class Meter

This displays a single value in range 0.0 to 1.0 on a vertical linear meter.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Keyword only arguments:

  • height Dimension of the bounding box. Default 200 pixels.
  • width Dimension of the bounding box. Default 30 pixels.
  • font Font to use in any legends. Default: None No legends will be displayed.
  • legends A tuple of strings to display on the centreline of the meter. These should be short to physically fit. They will be displayed equidistantly along the vertical scale, with string 0 at the bottom. Default None: no legends will be shown.
  • divisions Count of graduations on the meter scale. Default 10.
  • fgcolor Color of border. Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • pointercolor Color of meter pointer. Defaults to fgcolor.
  • value Initial value to display. Default 0.


  • value Optional argument val. If provided, refreshes the meter display with a new value.
    Range 0.0 to 1.0: out of range values will be constrained to full scale or 0. Always returns its current value.
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7.5 Class IconGauge

This can display any one of a set of icons at a location. The icon to be displayed can be selected by an integer index. Alternatively a float in range 0.0 to 1.0 can be displayed: the control shows the nearest icon.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Mandatory keyword only argument:

  • icon_module The name of the (already imported) icon file.

Optional keyword only argument:

  • initial_icon Default 0. The index of the initial icon to be displayed.


  • icon Mandatory argument: index of an icon. Displays that icon.
  • value Optional argument val. Range 0.0 to 1.0. If provided, selects the nearest icon and displays it. Always returns the control's current value.

7.6 Vector display

Provides a means of displaying one or more vectors. A vector is a complex with magnitude in the range of 0 to 1.0. In use a VectorDial is instantiated, followed by a Pointer instance for each vector to be displayed on it. The VectorDial can display its vectors as lines (as on a clock face) or as arrows (as on a compass).

By contrast with the Dial class the pointers have lengths and colors which can vary dynamically.

from micropython_ra8875.widgets.vectors import Pointer, VectorDial

Class VectorDial

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Keyword only arguments (all optional):

  • height=100 Dimension of the square bounding box.
  • fgcolor=None Foreground color. Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor=None Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • border=None Border width in pixels - typically 2. Default: no border.
  • ticks=4 Defines the number of graduations around the dial.
  • arrow=False If True vectors will appear as arrows.
  • pip=None By default a small circular "pip" is drawn at the centre of the dial. If False is passed this is omitted. If a color is passed, it will be drawn using that color. If the shortest pointer has a length below a threshold the "pip" is omitted to ensure visibility.

Class Pointer

Constructor mandatory positional arg:

  • dial The dial on which it is to be displayed.


  • value Args v=None, col=None. Returns the current value. If a complex is passed as the value v it is scaled to ensure its magnitude is <= 1 and the pointer is redrawn. If a color is passed as col the pointer's color is updated.
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8. Control Widgets

These classes provide touch-sensitive objects capable of both the display and entry of data. If the user moves the control, its value will change and an optional callback will be executed. If another control's callback or a task alters a control's value, its appearance will change to reflect this.

Buttons and checkboxes are provided in two variants, one drawn using graphics primitives, and the other using icons.

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8.1 Class Slider

These emulate linear potentiometers. Vertical Slider and horizontal HorizSlider variants are available. These are constructed and used similarly. The short forms (v) or (h) are used below to identify these variants. See the note above on callbacks.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • font Font to use for any legends. Default None: no legends will be drawn.
  • height Dimension of the bounding box. Default 200 pixels (v), 30 (h).
  • width Dimension of the bounding box. Default 30 pixels (v), 200 (h).
  • divisions Number of graduations on the scale. Default 10.
  • legends A tuple of strings to display near the slider. These Label instances will be distributed evenly along its length, starting at the bottom (v) or left (h).
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • slidecolor Color for the slider. Defaults to the foreground color.
  • border Width of border. Default None: no border will be drawn. If a value (typically 2) is provided, a border line will be drawn around the control.
  • cb_end Callback function which will run when the user stops touching the control.
  • cbe_args A list or tuple of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • cb_move Callback function which will run when the user moves the slider or the value is changed programmatically.
  • cbm_args A list or tuple of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • value The initial value. Default 0.0: slider will be at the bottom (v), left (h).


  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.
  • value Optional arguments val (default None). If supplied the slider moves to reflect the new value and the cb_move callback is triggered. The method constrains the range to 0.0 to 1.0. Always returns the control's value.
  • color Mandatory arg color The control is rendered in the selected color. This supports dynamic color changes
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8.2 Class Knob

This emulates a rotary control capable of being rotated through a predefined arc.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • height Dimension of the square bounding box. Default 100 pixels.
  • arc Amount of movement available. Default 2*PI radians (360 degrees).
  • ticks Number of graduations around the dial. Default 9.
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • color Fill color for the control knob. Default: no fill.
  • border Width of border. Default None: no border will be drawn. If a value (typically 2) is provided, a border line will be drawn around the control.
  • cb_end Callback function which will run when the user stops touching the control.
  • cbe_args A list or tuple of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • cb_move Callback function which will run when the user moves the knob or the value is changed.
  • cbm_args A list or tuple of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • value Initial value. Default 0.0: knob will be at its most counter-clockwise position.


  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.
  • value Optional argument val. If set, adjusts the pointer to correspond to the new value. The move callback will run. The method constrains the range to 0.0 to 1.0. Always returns the control's value.
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8.3 Class Checkbox

Drawn using graphics primitives. This provides for boolean data entry and display. In the True state the control can show an 'X' or a filled block of color.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • height Dimension of the square bounding box. Default 30 pixels.
  • fillcolor Fill color of checkbox when True. Default None: an 'X' will be drawn.
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • border Width of border. Default None: no border will be drawn. If a value (typically 2) is provided, a border line will be drawn around the control.
  • callback Callback function which will run when the value changes.
  • args A list or tuple of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • value Initial value. Default False.


  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.
  • value Optional boolean argument val. If the provided value does not correspond to the control's current value, updates it; the checkbox is re-drawn and the callback executed. Always returns the control's value.
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8.4 Class Button

Drawn using graphics primitives. This emulates a pushbutton, with a callback being executed each time the button is pressed. Buttons may be any one of three shapes: CIRCLE, RECTANGLE or CLIPPED_RECT.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Mandatory keyword only argument:

  • font Font for button text

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • height Height of the bounding box. Default 50 pixels.
  • width Width of the bounding box. Default 50 pixels.
  • fill Boolean. If True the button will be filled with the current fgcolor.
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • litcolor If provided the button will display this color for one second after being pressed.
  • text Shown in centre of button. Default: an empty string.
  • callback Callback function which runs when button is pressed.
  • args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • onrelease Default True. If True the callback will occur when the button is released otherwise it will occur when pressed.
  • lp_callback Callback to be used if button is to respond to a long press. Default None.
  • lp_args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].


  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.

Class variables:

  • lit_time Period in seconds the litcolor is displayed. Default 1.
  • long_press_time Press duration for a long press. Default 1 second.
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8.5 Class ButtonList emulate a button with multiple states

Drawn using graphics primitives.

A ButtonList groups a number of buttons together to implement a button which moves between states each time it is pressed. For example it might toggle between a green Start button and a red Stop button. The buttons are defined and added in turn to the ButtonList object. Typically they will be the same size, shape and location but will differ in color and/or text. At any time just one of the buttons will be visible, initially the first to be added to the object.

Buttons in a ButtonList should not have callbacks. The ButtonList has its own user supplied callback which will run each time the object is pressed. However each button can have its own list of args. Callback arguments comprise the currently visible button followed by its arguments.

Constructor argument:

  • callback The callback function. Default does nothing.


  • add_button Adds a button to the ButtonList. Arguments: as per the Button constructor. Returns the button object.
  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.
  • value Optional argument: a button in the set. If supplied and the button is not active the currency changes to the supplied button and its callback is run. Always returns the active button.

Typical usage is as follows:

from tft.driver.constants import *
from tft.widgets.buttons import ButtonList
from tft.fonts import font14

def callback(button, arg):

table = [
     {'fgcolor' : GREEN, 'shape' : CLIPPED_RECT, 'text' : 'Start', 'args' : ['Live']},
     {'fgcolor' : RED, 'shape' : CLIPPED_RECT, 'text' : 'Stop', 'args' : ['Die']},
bl = ButtonList(callback)
for t in table: # Buttons overlay each other at same location
    bl.add_button((10, 10), font = font14, fontcolor = BLACK, **t)
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8.6 Class RadioButtons

Drawn using graphics primitives.

These comprise a set of buttons at different locations. When a button is pressed, it becomes highlighted and remains so until another button is pressed. A callback runs each time the current button is changed.

Constructor positional arguments:

  • highlight Color to use for the highlighted button. Mandatory.
  • callback Callback when a new button is pressed. Default does nothing.
  • selected Index of initial button to be highlighted. Default 0.


  • add_button Adds a button. Arguments: as per the Button constructor. Returns the Button instance.
  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it, showing it in its new state.
  • value Optional argument: a button in the set. If supplied, and the button is not currently active, the currency changes to the supplied button and its callback is run. Always returns the currently active button.

Typical usage:

def callback(button, arg):

table = [
    {'text' : '1', 'args' : ['1']},
    {'text' : '2', 'args' : ['2']},
    {'text' : '3', 'args' : ['3']},
    {'text' : '4', 'args' : ['4']},
x = 0
rb = RadioButtons(callback, BLUE) # color of selected button
for t in table:
    rb.add_button((x, 180), font = font14, fontcolor = WHITE,
                    fgcolor = LIGHTBLUE, height = 40, **t)
    x += 60 # Horizontal row of buttons
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8.7 Class IconButton also checkbox

Drawn using an icon file which must be imported before instantiating. A checkbox may be implemented by setting the toggle argument True and using an appropriate icon file. An IconButton instance has a state representing the index of the current icon being displayed. User callbacks can interrogate this by means of the value method described below.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Mandatory keyword only argument:

  • icon_module Name of the imported icon module.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • flash Numeric, default 0. If value > 0, button will display icon[1] for value secs.
  • toggle Boolean, default False. If True, each time the button is pressed it will display each icon in turn (modulo number of icons in the module).
  • state Initial button state (index of icon displayed). Default 0.
  • callback Callback function which runs when button is pressed. Default does nothing.
  • args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].
  • onrelease Default True. If True the callback will occur when the button is released.
  • lp_callback Callback to be used if button is to respond to a long press. Default None.
  • lp_args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].


  • greyed_out Optional boolean argument val default None. If None returns the current 'greyed out' status of the control. Otherwise enables or disables it. If greyed out, the button is displayed with colors dimmed.
  • value Argument val default None. If the argument is provided and is a valid index not corresponding to the current button state, changes the button state and displays that icon. The callback will be executed. Always returns the button state (index of the current icon being displayed).

Class variables:

  • long_press_time Press duration for a long press. Default 1 second.
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8.8 Class IconRadioButtons

Drawn using an icon file which must be imported before instantiating. These comprise a set of buttons at different locations. When initially drawn, all but one button will be in state 0 (i.e. showing icon[0]). The selected button will be in state 1. When a button in state 0 is pressed, the set of buttons changes state so that it is the only one in state 1 (showing icon[1]). A callback runs each time the current button changes.

Constructor positional arguments:

  • callback Callback when a new button is pressed. Default does nothing.
  • selected Index of initial button to be highlighted. Default 0.


  • add_button Adds a button to the set. Arguments: as per the IconButton constructor. Returns the button instance.
  • value Argument val default None. If the argument is provided which is an inactive button in the set, that button becomes active and the callback is executed. Always returns the button which is currently active.
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8.9 Class Listbox

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Mandatory keyword only arguments:

  • font
  • elements A list or tuple of strings to display. Must have at least one entry.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • width Control width in pixels, default 250.
  • value Index of currently selected list item. Default 0.
  • border Space between border and contents. Default 2 pixels. If None no border will be drawn.
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • select_color Background color for selected item in list. Default LIGHTBLUE.
  • callback Callback function which runs when a list entry is picked.
  • args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].


  • value Argument val default None. If the argument is provided which is a valid index into the list that entry becomes current and the callback is executed. Always returns the index of the currently active entry.
  • textvalue Argument text a string default None. If the argument is provided and is in the control's list, that item becomes current. Returns the current string, unless the arg was provided but did not correspond to any list item. In this event the control's state is not changed and None is returned.

The callback is triggered whenever a listbox item is pressed, even if that item is already currently selected.

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8.10 Class Dropdown

A dropdown list. The list, when active, is drawn below the control. The height of the control is determined by the height of the font in use.

Constructor mandatory positional argument:

  1. location 2-tuple defining position.

Mandatory keyword only arguments:

  • font
  • elements A list or tuple of strings to display. Must have at least one entry.

Optional keyword only arguments:

  • width Control width in pixels, default 250.
  • value Index of currently selected list item. Default 0.
  • fgcolor Color of foreground (the control itself). Defaults to system color.
  • bgcolor Background color of object. Defaults to system background.
  • fontcolor Text color. Defaults to system text color.
  • select_color Background color for selected item in list. Default LIGHTBLUE.
  • callback Callback function which runs when a list entry is picked.
  • args A list of arguments for the above callback. Default [].


  • value Argument val default None. If the argument is provided which is a valid index into the list that entry becomes current and the callback is executed. Always returns the index of the currently active entry.
  • textvalue Argument text a string default None. If the argument is provided and is in the control's list, that item becomes current. Returns the current string, unless the arg was provided but did not correspond to any list item. In this event the control's state is not changed and None is returned.

The callback is triggered if an item on the dropdown list is touched and that item is not currently selected (i.e. when a change occurs).

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9. Dialog Boxes

In general Screen objects occupy the entire physical display. The principal exception to this is modal dialog boxes: these are rendered in a window which accepts all touch events until it is closed. Dialog boxes are created by instantiating an Aperture which is a Screen superclass. In effect this is a window, but a 'micro' implementation lacking chrome beyond a simple border and occupying a fixed location on the screen.

In use the user program creates a class subclassed from Aperture. This is populated in the same way as per Screen subclasses. The class name can then be passed to Screen.change to invoke the dialog box. The GUI provides a simple way to build dialog boxes based on a small set of pushbuttons such as 'Yes/No/Cancel' in the form of the DialogBox class.

A convenience method locn is provided to assist in populating dialog boxes. Given coordinates relative to the dialog box, it provides an absolute location 2-tuple suitable as a constructor argument for control or display classes. See dialog.py for example usage.

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9.1 Class Aperture

Provides a window for objects in a modal dialog box.

Constructor mandatory positional args:

  1. location 2-tuple defining the window position.
  2. height Dimensions in pixels.
  3. width

Optional keyword only args:

  • draw_border Boolean, default True. If set a single pixel window border will be drawn.
  • bgcolor Background color of window. Defaults to system background.
  • fgcolor Color of border. Defaults to system foreground.

Instance variables:

  • location 2-tuple defining the window position.
  • height Dimensions in pixels.
  • width


  • locn Args: x, y. Returns an absolute location 2-tuple given a pair of coordinates relative to the dialog box.

Class method:

  • value Optional arg val default None. Provides a mechanism for returning the outcome of a dialog box which can be queried by the calling object. If the arg is provided, the value is set. The arg may be any Python object. Returns the value of the Aperture class. The calling Screen can query this by implementing an on_open method which calls Aperture.value().
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9.2 Class DialogBox

Simplifies building simple dialog boxes based on a set of pushbuttons. Any button press will close the dialog. The caller can determine which button was pressed. The size of the buttons and the width of the dialog box are calculated from the strings assigned to the buttons. This ensures that buttons are evenly spaced and identically sized.

Constructor mandatory positional args:

  1. font The font for buttons and label.

Optional keyword only args:

  • elements A list or tuple of 2-tuples. Each defines the text and color of a pushbutton, e.g. (('Yes', RED), ('No', GREEN)).
  • location 2-tuple defining the dialog box location. Default (20, 20).
  • label Text for an optional label displayed in the centre of the dialog box. Default None.
  • bgcolor Background color of window. Default DARKGREEN.
  • buttonwidth Minimum width of buttons. Default 25. In general button dimensions are calculated from the size of the strings in elements.
  • closebutton Boolean. If set, a close button will be displayed at the top RH corner of the dialog box.

Pressing any button closes the dialog and sets the Aperture value to the text of the button pressed or 'Close' in the case of the close button.

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10. Developer Notes

For developers wishing to extend the library with new controls or displays, see this reference.

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