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A lightweight, easy-to-use standalone Windows application designed to assist you in keeping track of your EVE Online character progression.
- ESI: Update character sheet to v5. - ESI: Update employment history to v2. - Assets: Update assets to 1987608.
It can be difficult to trust that the artifact stored on a Git release is the artifact built by that commit. EVE being as hard-core as it is, the risk...
…issue with SQLite after EF6 update
.NET 4.6.1 is reaching EOL and many components require updates. Suggest update to .NET 4.8 and update to various components. REF: [https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/net-framework-4-5-2-4-6-4-6-1-will-reach-end-of-support-on-april-26-2022/](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/net-framework-4-5-2-4-6-4-6-1-will-reach-end-of-support-on-april-26-2022/)
Hi The database is a few patches behind now (neurolink & nullifier bpo's are missing for example). There seem to be no issues during the xml generation this time. In...
Update NetworkConstants for the new v5 ESICharacterSheet endpoint. The old v4 endpoint has been deprecated and removed by CCP. Fixes #300
The Button Tools|Options|Cloud Storage Service 'Update settings file' works as it should. So credentials etc are ok. However when you check the checkbox 'Always upload befre EVEMon closes' Evemon hangs...
I think it's better to use 'pool.ntp.org' instead of a specific server as '0.pool.ntp.org' as the first ip address finds you a server nearby (which then should cirvumvent offline servers)....
In 'src\EVEMon.Common\Net\HttpClientServiceRequest.cs', I replaced the EnsureSuccessStatusCode method by the version below that outputs traces (seen in the VS output window) when ESI requests fail. As the new code shows the...
The current version accumulates industry notifications without ever removing them when jobs are delivered. My fix for this is to add this method to **GlobalNotificationCollection.cs**: ``` internal void InvalidateIndustryCompleted(CCPCharacter character)...