sfdx commerce:products:import --products-file-csv=./config/NorthernTrail.csv --store-name=D2C --type=b2c -u myscratch --apiversion=57.0 Importing products. › Warning: sfdx-cli update available from 7.177.1 to 7.183.1. › Warning: sfdx-cli update available from 7.177.1 to 7.183.1. [Error: ENOENT:... There's no documentation on what is used for the default definitionfile if none is specified. I see that the quickstart version specifies a default: (side note: why is...
Creating a new store, this may take up to 10 minutes until it's available. Store name: testStore Org username: [email protected] Use this command to just create a community. It will...