sage copied to clipboard
Please, support Firefox 57.
I love the new Firefox, the Developer Edition. =D
Hey, you should update to the new Firefox.
I am waiting with anxiety.
Cheers, RodrigoCesarBanhara
Yes, please update, it's the best rss reader for firefox :P
New (non-beta) Firefox shipped. Sage is now completely broken.
@Nolff It isn't broken. It's just not compatible with FF57+. If you really need your extensions you can use FF52 it's an Extended Support Release so there's still security patches released for it.
But Firefox 52 is insecure. All the extensions share the same space. Firefox 58 Developer Edition is the better Firefox that I used !! =D Please, update. =) You will not update? =((( Are you leaving us? Please, do not do that. Please, mister, update... And do not forget the Developer Edition. =) I use the Developer Edition exclusively !!! =DD Thanks !!!!
Does it help if we support you using donations?
@apometron having fun trolling on the internet?
@dotnetjunkie First step, Would be to know if it is possible to have the same features with the new Webextension API.
If anyone is interesed in that here is the documentation about the new API.
@dannycolin I am talking seriously!!! =((((((((((((((((((((((( Are You teasing me? Han? is in the version 52, it can run the Sage extension. I will test it now!!! =DD
CyberFox has a bug with Classic Theme, so it seems it is better stick with WaterFox:
Yes, WaterFox it is only Firefox fork which Sage works, but it would be better working on Firefox 57. =)
It's the best RSS addon for firefox ,Yes, please update
And when WaterFox reach version 57? Where to go for support to Sage?
Support for Firefox Quantum would be nice.
Sage requires at least Firefox 38, this means Palemoon cant run Sage.
This leaves us the Cyberfox (buggy software) and Waterfox.
Currently, WF is on version 56.
The future is uncertain for Sage when WF go 57.
Because of this we need an update.
Please, sir developer, do not leaves us without an update.
What alternatives for Sage are there? Any tool or add-on that comes close to Sage?
@dotnetjunkie I switched from Sage to Brief, which has a similar UI and works with FF57:
I suggest you export your RSS feeds to an OPML file from Sage before switching.
I was missing Sage then I made a clone. It is maned Drop Feeds. It is available here :
@petea : If you don't want this message (it is like a ads...) then please tell me, I will delete it.
I was missing Sage then I made a clone. It is maned Drop Feeds. It is available here :
@petea : If you don't want this message (it is like a ads...) then please tell me, I will delete it.
@dauphine-dev Thanks, it's very useful, I stared. Do you have a plan on Chrome platform? use chrome more often than firefox😲
@ysjlion No plan to port Drop Feeds on Chrome platform in the short term. But yes at long term. But I have to analyze first what it is needed to do that, and I will see if I can/want/will do a port for Chrome platform. I think I will look at that in 2020.