Valeros. My understanding is the same... ulp_main.h should be autogenerated and located in the build directory. But it is nowhere to be found on my computer. The error is simply...
Hi Jason, Thanks again for your perseverance in helping me. I tried the approach of this platformio.ini `[platformio] src_dir = main [env:esp32-s3] platform = framework = espidf board =...
[CODE] idf_component_register(SRCS "ulp_example_main.c" INCLUDE_DIRS "" REQUIRES soc nvs_flash ulp) # # ULP support additions to component CMakeLists.txt. # # 1. The ULP app name must be unique (if multiple components...
Valerii, scroll up this message chain and you will see the url for the example I am using from Jason2866. On Mon, Jul 10, 2023 at 11:03 AM Valerii Koval...
Jason, Still no joy. I have a hunch that I need to dig into. This laptop is new to me and has two users "owner" and "peted". I think there...
Valeros, Thank you. Seems to be about the same results. Prior to compiling, #include "ulp_main.h" shows "cannot open source". Here is the output of the build. `Executing task: C:\Users\peted\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe run...
While that build is working (takes a really long time in verbose mode), I am wondering... the ulp_main.h, doesn't that just need to have in it the mapping of the...
Holly cow! Success!!! But why did it suddenly work??? [loglog.txt](