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not an issue, mqtt autodiscovery idea for ha

Open Maaciej opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Auto discovery is complicated, it is not working for me, I don't understand what it tries to do, so I played with code.


new function

void mqttSetup(String identyfikator, String chipId, String uom = "x" )

  Serial.println("*****************************************" );

  const String topicStr_c = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/" + identyfikator +"/config";
  const char* topic_c = topicStr_c.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc_c;
  JsonObject root =<JsonObject>();

  root["name"] = device_name +" "+ identyfikator;
  root["state_topic"] = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId  + "/status";
  root["value_template"] = "{{ value_json['" + identyfikator +"'] }}";
  if ( uom != "x" ) {
    root["unit_of_measurement"] = uom;
//copy of existing sending code
// // Send to mqtt
  char buffer_c[1536];
  serializeJson(doc_c, buffer_c);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");


  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  // Serial.println(broker);
  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic_c, buffer_c, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");
  Serial.println("*****************************************" );  


called before making json for mqtt with measure values:

  Serial.println("chipId " + chipId); //existing line

  mqttSetup("daysOnBattery", chipId);
  mqttSetup("battvoltage", chipId, "V");
  mqttSetup("bat", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("lux", chipId, "lx");
  mqttSetup("humid", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("soil", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("salt", chipId);
  mqttSetup("temp", chipId, "°C");

const String topicStr = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/status"; //existing line

And with this changes measurements show itself in home assistant for me:


still don't know how to make the measurements to be possible to disable, I mean make them with unique entity_id


And question, it seems like there somewhere is log stored and other files, how to access them? I thought there is web server, or it should be visible as a portable drive but I can't find. Can anybody explain how to access log?

Maaciej avatar May 12 '22 23:05 Maaciej

one more thing, because it can matter I changed original JSON to this, with one level structure:

StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc;
  // Set the values in the document
  // Device changes according to device placement
  JsonObject plant =<JsonObject>();
  // JsonObject plant = root.createNestedObject("sensor"); //CHANGE!!!!!
  plant[device_name] = chipId;
  plant["sensorname"] = plant_name;
  plant["date"] =;
  plant["time"] = config.time;
  plant["batchargeDate"] = config.batchargeDate;
  plant["daysOnBattery"] = config.daysOnBattery;
  // plant["battvolt"] = config.batvolt; //nie
  plant["bat"] = config.bat;
  plant["battvoltage"] = config.batvoltage;
  plant["sleep5Count"] = config.sleep5no;
  plant["bootCount"] = config.bootno;
  // plant["batcharge"] = config.batcharge; //nie
  plant["lux"] = config.lux; //nie
  plant["temp"] = config.temp;
  plant["humid"] = config.humid;
  // plant["pressure"] = config.pressure;
  plant["soil"] = config.soil;
  // plant["soilTemp"] = config.soilTemp; //nie
  plant["salt"] = config.salt;
  // plant["saltadvice"] = config.saltadvice;//nie
  // plant["plantValveNo"] = plantValveNo; //nie
  // plant["wifissid"] = WiFi.SSID(); //nie
  plant["rel"] = config.rel;

with two level structure one have to change json templates to read measurements.

Maaciej avatar May 12 '22 23:05 Maaciej

entity_id solved. Because there are lot of changes in the file, full content:

void mqttSetup(String identyfikator, String chipId, String uom = "x", String dc = "x" )

  Serial.println("*****************************************" );

  const String topicStr_c = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/" + identyfikator +"/config";
  const char* topic_c = topicStr_c.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc_c;
  JsonObject root =<JsonObject>();

  root["name"] = device_name +" "+ identyfikator;

  if ( dc != "x" ) {
    root["device_class"] = dc;

  root["unique_id"] = chipId +"-"+ identyfikator;
  root["state_topic"] = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId  + "/status";
  root["value_template"] = "{{ value_json['" + identyfikator +"'] }}";
  if ( uom != "x" ) {
    root["unit_of_measurement"] = uom;

// // Send to mqtt
  char buffer_c[1536];
  serializeJson(doc_c, buffer_c);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: \n");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");

  // Serial.println(buffer_c);
  serializeJsonPretty(doc_c, Serial);

  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  // Serial.println(broker);
  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic_c, buffer_c, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();
  Serial.println("*****************************************" );  


// Allocate a  JsonDocument
void saveConfiguration(const Config & config) {

  //  Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress());
  //  String stringMAC = WiFi.macAddress();
  //  stringMAC.replace(':', '_');

  byte mac[6];

  //  String chipId = String(mac[0], HEX) + String(mac[1], HEX) + String(mac[2], HEX) + String(mac[3], HEX) + String(mac[4], HEX) + String(mac[5], HEX);
  String chipId = "";
  String HEXcheck = "";
  for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
    HEXcheck = String(mac[i], HEX);
    if (HEXcheck.length() == 1) {
      chipId = chipId + "0" + String(mac[i], HEX);
    } else {
      chipId = chipId + String(mac[i], HEX);
  Serial.println("chipId " + chipId);

  mqttSetup("daysOnBattery",  chipId, "x",  "duration");
  mqttSetup("battvoltage",    chipId, "V",  "voltage");
  mqttSetup("bat",            chipId, "%",  "battery");
  mqttSetup("lux",            chipId, "lx", "illuminance");
  mqttSetup("humid",          chipId, "%",  "humidity");
  mqttSetup("soil",           chipId, "%",  "humidity");
  mqttSetup("salt",           chipId, "x");
  mqttSetup("temp",           chipId, "°C", "temperature");

  const String topicStr = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/status";
  const char* topic = topicStr.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc;
  // Set the values in the document
  // Device changes according to device placement
  JsonObject plant =<JsonObject>();
  // JsonObject plant = root.createNestedObject("sensor");
  plant[device_name] = chipId;
  plant["sensorname"] = plant_name;
  plant["date"] =;
  plant["time"] = config.time;
  plant["batchargeDate"] = config.batchargeDate;
  plant["daysOnBattery"] = config.daysOnBattery;
  // plant["battvolt"] = config.batvolt; //nie
  plant["bat"] = config.bat;
  plant["battvoltage"] = config.batvoltage;
  plant["sleep5Count"] = config.sleep5no;
  plant["bootCount"] = config.bootno;
  // plant["batcharge"] = config.batcharge; //nie
  plant["lux"] = config.lux; //nie
  plant["temp"] = config.temp;
  plant["humid"] = config.humid;
  // plant["pressure"] = config.pressure;
  plant["soil"] = config.soil;
  // plant["soilTemp"] = config.soilTemp; //nie
  plant["salt"] = config.salt;
  // plant["saltadvice"] = config.saltadvice;//nie
  // plant["plantValveNo"] = plantValveNo; //nie
  // plant["wifissid"] = WiFi.SSID(); //nie
  plant["rel"] = config.rel;

  // Send to mqtt
  char buffer[1536];
  serializeJson(doc, buffer);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: \n");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");

  // Serial.println(buffer);
  serializeJsonPretty(doc, Serial);

  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic, buffer, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");

and nice result in entities


Maaciej avatar May 13 '22 01:05 Maaciej

@Maaciej, as I am setting up some new sensors for HA I will give this a try. Is it the intention to replace the content of the file "save-configuration.h" with your code as mentioned above?

JonOve avatar May 17 '22 13:05 JonOve

Is it the intention to replace the content of the file "save-configuration.h" with your code as mentioned above?

yes this whole save-configuration file content customized (unnecessary fields of json commented out and changed json structure) for my needs, with added mqtt autodiscovery for ha. I guess you change your file to above and should see that ha will detect configured metrics.

Maaciej avatar May 17 '22 21:05 Maaciej

Indeed, worked like a charm. Thanks a lot for the effort!

JonOve avatar May 18 '22 11:05 JonOve

And question, it seems like there somewhere is log stored and other files, how to access them? I thought there is web server, or it should be visible as a portable drive but I can't find. Can anybody explain how to access log?

files in question are:

Listing directory: /
  FILE: favicon.ico     SIZE: 13532
  FILE: index.html      SIZE: 482
  FILE: app.js.gz       SIZE: 198509
  FILE: batinfo.conf    SIZE: 21
  FILE: error.log       SIZE: 1342
  FILE: soil.conf       SIZE: 9
  FILE: name.conf       SIZE: 9

files with extension .conf are from the program, and unknown are the first three. I suspect now they are from the original firmware. They cannot be removed by "remove", but I erased all files with SPIFFS.format() and now have only new files:

  FILE: name.conf       SIZE: 9
  FILE: batinfo.conf    SIZE: 21
  FILE: soil.conf       SIZE: 9  

Maaciej avatar Jun 23 '22 20:06 Maaciej

Hi, i found a few issues with the above. Mainly having a device and sensor names. So updated some, added some,.

image (1)

elgansayer avatar Feb 18 '23 16:02 elgansayer