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Code to convert a MXNet model into Caffe (C++)

Code to convert a MXNet model into Caffe (C++)

BatchNorm, Convolution and InnerProduct layers are supported.


To compile, change the paths from to point to your MXNet and Caffe libraries. In the Makefile, maybe some caffe dependencies must also be changed. Then, run "make" from the terminal.


The program needs these parameters:

./mxnet_to_caffe <mxnet_json> <mxnet_model> <caffe_prototxt> <caffe_model_output>

As an example, you can download the Inception21K model from:

And its corresponding Caffe deploy.prototxt from:

Then, run:

./mxnet_to_caffe Inception-symbol.json Inception-0009.params deploy.prototxt Inception21k.caffemodel

And the file "Inception21k.caffemodel" will be generated with the Caffe weights.

This code is based on the CXXNet to Caffe converter (

License: GNU Public license