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An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in Python

Persian Tools

An anthology of a variety of tools for the Persian language in Python

codecov Tests


pip install persian-tools


  1. digits
  2. separator
  3. ordinal suffix
  4. bank
    1. card number
    2. sheba
  5. national id
  6. economic national id
  7. phone number
  8. bill
  9. plate


Let's take a look at what an example test case would look like using persian-tools.


This module will help you to normalize digits from Persian, Arabic and English to only one of them.

from persian_tools import digits

digits.convert_to_fa(123)          # '۱۲۳'
digits.convert_to_fa('123')        # '۱۲۳'
digits.convert_to_fa('123٤٥٦')     # '۱۲۳۴۵۶'
digits.convert_to_fa('sth 123٤٥٦') # 'sth ۱۲۳۴۵۶'

digits.convert_to_en('۱۲۳')        # '123'
digits.convert_to_en('۱۲۳٤٥٦')     # '123456'
digits.convert_to_en('sth ۱۲۳٤٥٦') # 'sth 123456'

digits.convert_to_ar(123)          # '۱۲۳'
digits.convert_to_ar('123')        # '۱۲۳'
digits.convert_to_ar('sth 123۴۵۶') # 'sth ۱۲۳٤٥٦'

persian-tools also, has another function to convert numbers to words; you can convert result to ordinal mode with ordinal=True in inputs.

from persian_tools import digits

digits.convert_to_word(500443)                  # پانصد هزار و چهارصد و چهل و سه
digits.convert_to_word(-500443)                 # منفی پانصد هزار و چهارصد و چهل و سه
digits.convert_to_word(500443, ordinal=True)    # پانصد هزار و چهارصد و چهل و سوم
digits.convert_to_word(30000000000)             # سی میلیارد

to convert words to number, you can use this function with different args:

from persian_tools import digits

digits.convert_from_word('منفی سه هزارمین')                        # -3000
digits.convert_from_word('منفی سه هزارم', digits='fa')             # -۳۰۰۰
digits.convert_from_word('منفی سه هزار')                           # -3000
digits.convert_from_word('سه هزار دویست و دوازده')                 # 3212
digits.convert_from_word('دوازده هزار بیست دو', separator=True)    # '12,022'
digits.convert_from_word('حقوق شیش صد و ۲۷ میلیون تومان سالانه')    # 627000000

Note: as you can see in examples, this function will remove ordinal suffix by default.


Adding or removing thousands separators will handle; default separator is ',' but can change with second input.

from persian_tools import separator

separator.add(300)                 # '300'
separator.add(3000000)             # '3,000,000'
separator.add(3000000.0003)        # '3,000,000.0003'
separator.add(3000000, '/')        # '3/000/000'
separator.add('۳۰۰۰۰')             # '۳۰,۰۰۰'

separator.remove('300')            # '300'
separator.remove('3,000,000')      # '3000000'
separator.remove('3/000/000', '/') # '3000000'
separator.remove('۳۰,۰۰۰')         # '۳۰۰۰۰'

ordinal suffix

Adding or removing ordinal suffix for persian numbers in word will handle.

from persian_tools import ordinal_suffix

ordinal_suffix.add('بیست')          # 'بیستم'
ordinal_suffix.add('سی و سه')       # 'سی و سوم'
ordinal_suffix.add('سی')            # 'سی اُم'

ordinal_suffix.remove('دومین')      # 'دو'
ordinal_suffix.remove('سی و سوم')   # 'سی و سه'
ordinal_suffix.remove('بیستم')      # 'بیست'
ordinal_suffix.remove('سی اُم')      # 'سی'


card number

This module has useful functions related to bank cards number, like:

  • validating them
  • find bank data of a card number
  • extract card numbers from a text
from import card_number

card_number.validate('6037701689095443')    # True
card_number.validate('6219861034529007')    # True
card_number.validate('6219861034529008')    # False

# {'nickname': 'saman', 'name': 'Saman Bank', 'persian_name': 'بانک سامان', 'card_prefix': ['621986'], 'sheba_code': ['056']}
# {'nickname': 'keshavarzi', 'name': 'Keshavarzi', 'persian_name': 'بانک کشاورزی', 'card_prefix': ['603770', '639217'], 'sheba_code': ['016']}

card_number.extract_card_numbers('''شماره کارتم رو برات نوشتم:
                                     اینم یه شماره کارت دیگه ای که دارم
                                    5022291070873466''',                # first argument is a text
                                    check_validation=True,              # a boolean that define you need only valid card numbers in result, default: True
                                    detect_bank_name=True,              # this will add bank name in result, default: False
                                    filter_valid_card_numbers=True)     # just valid card numbers will be in result; be careful to `check_validation` be also True, default: True
# result
# [
#    {'pure': '6219861034529007', 'base': '6219-8610-3452-9007', 'index': 1, 'is_valid': True,
#     'bank_data': {
#         'nickname': 'saman',
#         'name': 'Saman Bank',
#         'persian_name': 'بانک سامان',
#         'card_prefix': ['621986'],
#         'sheba_code': ['056'],
#     }},
#    {'pure': '5022291070873466', 'base': '5022291070873466', 'index': 3, 'is_valid': True,
#     'bank_data': {
#         'nickname': 'pasargad',
#         'name': 'Pasargad Bank',
#         'persian_name': 'بانک پاسارگاد',
#         'card_prefix': ['502229', '639347'],
#         'sheba_code': ['057'],
#     }},
# ]


sheba module contain 2 functions:

  • validating them
  • find bank data of a sheba number

from import sheba

sheba.validate('IR820540102680020817909002')    # True
sheba.validate('IR01234567890123456789')        # False

# {
#     'nickname': 'parsian',
#     'name': 'Parsian Bank',
#     'persian_name': 'بانک پارسیان',
#     'card_prefix': ['622106', '627884'],
#     'sheba_code': ['054'],
#     'account_number': '020817909002',
#     'formatted_account_number': '002-00817909-002'
# }

national id

This module has useful functions related to iranian national id (code-e melli), like:

  • validating them
  • generate a random one
  • find place of national id by the prefix of id
from persian_tools import national_id

national_id.validate('0499370899')      # True
national_id.validate('0684159415')      # False

national_id.generate_random()           # '0458096784'
national_id.generate_random()           # '1156537101'

national_id.find_place('0906582709')    # {'code': ['089', '090'], 'city': 'کاشمر', 'province': 'خراسان رضوی'}
national_id.find_place('0643005846')    # {'code': ['064', '065'], 'city': 'بیرجند', 'province': 'خراسان جنوبی'}

economic national id

This module contains two functions to generate random iranian economic national id (shenas-e melli) and validate any given id.

from persian_tools import economic_national_id

economic_national_id.validate('10380284790')      # True
economic_national_id.validate('11053639140')      # False

economic_national_id.generate_random()            # '10100387143'
economic_national_id.generate_random()            # '77111986110'

phone number

This module can validate and give you some data from a phone number.

from persian_tools import phone_number

phone_number.validate('09123456789')        # True
phone_number.validate('+989123456789')      # True
phone_number.validate('989123456789')       # True
phone_number.validate('98912345678')        # False

# {'province': ['البرز', 'زنجان', 'سمنان', 'قزوین', 'قم', 'برخی از شهرستان های استان مرکزی'], 'base': 'تهران', 'type': ['permanent'], 'operator': 'همراه اول'}
# {'province': [], 'base': 'کشوری', 'type': ['permanent', 'credit'], 'operator': 'ایرانسل'}


With bill_id and payment_id (or just barcode), you can get detail of a bill.

from persian_tools import bill

bill.get_detail(bill_id=7748317800142, payment_id=1770160)
# result
# {'amount': 1700,
#  'barcode': '77483178001420001770160',
#  'bill_id': 7748317800142,
#  'is_valid': True,
#  'is_valid_bill_id': True,
#  'is_valid_payment_id': True,
#  'payment_id': 1770160,
#  'type': 'تلفن ثابت'}

# same result

# default currency is set to Toman, but can change like as below
bill.get_detail(barcode='77483178001420001770160', currency=bill.CURRENCY_RIAL)
# result
# {'amount': 17000,
#  ...


Get information(province, category, type) about vehicles plate.

from persian_tools import plate

# result
# {'category': 'دیپلمات',
#   'province': 'مرکزی',
#   'template': '12D451ایران47',
#   'type': 'Car'}

# result
# {'category': None,
#  'province': 'مرکز تهران',
#  'template': '123-45678',
#  'type': 'Motorcycle'}

plate.is_valid('12D45147') # True
plate.is_valid('12345678') # True
plate.is_valid('1234567') # False
plate.is_valid('1204567') # False

Note: Plates that have farsi digits in them(like: الف، ب، ص) will be returned in this template:
