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Modern React Persian Mobile Date and Time picker

Persian Mobile Date and Time picker

This library provides a component that can set year, month, day, hour, minute and second by sliding up or down.

  • Note: There is no need to use the moment-jalaali or any other Jalali libraries and All details and functions are further explained in the Date helpers section and if you need a function that we don't have, let us know to implement it.


All functionalities and demos have documented here: Live Demo


Getting Started


Using npm:

$ npm install --save @persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker

Using yarn:

$ yarn add --save @persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker

Import what you need

The following guide assumes you have some sort of ES2015 build set up using babel and/or webpack/browserify/gulp/grunt/etc.

  1. Import functions, helpers and Types
import {
} from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';
  1. Create Picker Configuration model
const config: DatePickerConfig = {
  year: {
    caption: {
      text: 'سال',
  month: {
    caption: {
      text: 'ماه',
  day: {
    caption: {
      text: 'روز',
  1. Use Picker component
const App = () => {
  const [showPicker, setShowPicker] = React.useState(true);
  const [selectedDateValue, setSelectedDateValue] = React.useState();
  const [selectedDateEvents, setSelectedDateEvents] = React.useState([]);

  function handleSubmit(selectedDate) {
    const date = format(, "d MMMM yyyy");
    const events =;


  return <Picker
    minDate={newDate({ year: 1399, month: 9, day: 11 })}
    maxDate={newDate({ year: 1400, month: 1, day: 13 })}
    onClose={() => setShowPicker(false)}

Live Example


Property Rquired Type Description
isOpen Yes boolean Picker open status
theme No string Picker Theme
config Yes DatePickerConfig configuration of datepicker
classNamePrefix No string className of the datepicker
initialValue No Date initial date of datepicker
value No WheelPickerSelectEvent value of datepicker
title No string title of datepicker
onChange No (selected: WheelPickerSelectEvent) => void Gets called when value of the picker changes
onSubmit No (selected: WheelPickerSelectEvent) => void Triggered when you click on Submit button
onCancel No () => void Call when user clicked on Cancel Button
onClose No () => void Call when Picker Sheet modal has closed or User clicked on Cancel Button or User manually closed the Sheet modal by drag and drop
minDate No Date Specifies the minimum selectable day by user
maxDate No Date Specifies the maximum selectable day by user
endYear No number The Minimum selectable year(Picker will calculate the StartYear by this approach: currentYear + startYear)
startYear No number The Maximum selectable year(Picker will calculate the StartYear by this approach: currentYear + startYear)
addDayName No boolean Add the name of the day of the week
highlightWeekends No boolean Determines whether to mark weekend days with red or not. (weekend day is Friday)
highlightHolidays No boolean Determines whether to mark holidays in day column.
height No number Height of Picker Sheet modal
submitText No string Submit button text
cancelText No string Cancel button text
showCancelButton No boolean Display Cancel button
disableSheetDrag No boolean Disable drag for the sheet content
disableSheetHeaderDrag No boolean Disable drag for the sheet header

Custom date unit

set config to configure year, month, day.

config = {
  year: {
    caption: {
      text: 'سال',
  month: {
    caption: {
      text: 'ماه',
  day: {
    caption: {
      text: 'روز',


[key in DateConfigTypes]: DateConfigValuesModel

where the DateConfigTypes is one of "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"

Picker config Object Dto

Property Type Description
caption Object an object with the props text string and style CSSProperties regular react style object
formatter Function a function of PickerExtraDateInfo to format every columns item text
classname Function a function of PickerExtraDateInfo for specifying the classNames
shouldRender Function a function of PickerExtraDateInfo to specify which functionalities should render
columnStyle CSSProperties the inline style of columns of datepicker
itemStyle CSSProperties the inline style of each of cell items
selectedItemStyle CSSProperties the inline style of selected cell item


Property Type Description
object PickerDateModel an object of selected date, including year, month,...
events Array the array of events
date Date the value of date


Property Type Description
weekDay number the number of day of week
weekDayText string can have these values: شنبه , یک‌شنبه , دو‌شنبه , سه‌شنبه , چهار‌شنبه , پنج‌شنبه , جمعه or other names if you prefer
monthText string is the text of months for e.g. فروردین
dayOfYear number number of day in a year
isLeapYear boolean whether the year is a leap year or not
isHoliday boolean whether the day is a holiday or not
year number current year
month number current month
day number current day
hour number current hour
minute number current minute
second number current second

Usage Examples

Changing the months text

You can do it with the help of formatter props of month in config

  year: {
    caption: {
      text: "سال",
  month: {
    caption: {
      text: "ماه",
    formatter: ({ month, monthText }) => (month === 5 ? "امرداد" : monthText),
  day: {
    caption: {
      text: "روز",

Removing a day

If for whatever reason you want to remove some cells you can do so with the use of shouldRender

the following config code will remove the 6th day of 3rd month

  year: {
    caption: {
      text: "سال",
  month: {
    caption: {
      text: "ماه",
  day: {
    caption: {
      text: "روز",
    shouldRender: ({ month, day }) => !(month === 3 && day === 6),

Styling columns

If you want to change the inline style of columns or cells of datepicker you can use columnStyle, itemStyle and selectedItemStyle

  year: {
    caption: {
      text: "سال",
  month: {
    caption: {
      text: "ماه",
    columnStyle: { background: "#aaa", color: "green" },
    itemStyle: { color: "green" },
    selectedItemStyle: { color: "blue" },
  day: {
    caption: {
      text: "روز",

Date helpers

  • newDate: Convert Jalaali Date to Gregorian and returns a Date instance
import { newDate } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

  year: 1400,
  month: 1,
  day: 1,
}); // Sun Mar 21 2021 00:00:00 GMT+0330 (Iran Standard Time)
  • convertDateInstanceToDateObject: Convert entered date to an object
import { convertDateInstanceToDateObject } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

convertDateInstanceToDateObject(new Date()); // { year: 1400, month: 5, day: 15, hour: 22, minute: 20,second: 10 }
  • daysInMonth: Get the number of days in a month of a year
import { daysInMonth } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

daysInMonth(1400, 1); // 31
daysInMonth(1399, 12); // 30 -> 1399 is a leap year
daysInMonth(1400, 12); // 29
  • getWeekDay: Get the day of the week of the given date. Returns number starts from 0, 0 means the first day of Week and 6 means the last day of Week
import { getWeekDay } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

getWeekDay(1400, 5, 15); // 6
  • getDayOfYear: Get the day of the year of the given date.
import { getDayOfYear } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

getDayOfYear(1400, 5, 15); // 139
  • isWeekend: Return true if the Date is at the Weekend
import { isWeekend } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isWeekend(1400, 5, 22); // true -> because it is friday
isWeekend(1400, 5, 23); // false -> it is Saturday
  • getWeekDayText: Get Name the days of the week
import { getWeekDayText } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

getWeekDayText(1400, 5, 22); // جمعه
getWeekDayText(1400, 5, 23); // شنبه
  • isValidJalaaliDate: Is the given Jalaali date valid?
import { isValidJalaaliDate } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isValidJalaaliDate(1399, 12, 30); // true -> because 1399 is leap
isValidJalaaliDate(1400, 12, 30); // false
  • isBefore: Is the first date before the second one?
import { isBefore, newDate } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isBefore(newDate(1399, 12, 30), newDate(1400, 2, 1)); // true
isBefore(newDate(1400, 2, 1), newDate(1399, 12, 30)); // false
  • isAfter: Is the first date after the second one?
import { isAfter, newDate } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isAfter(newDate(1361, 10, 10), newDate(1372, 10, 10)); // false
isAfter(newDate(1372, 10, 10), newDate(1361, 10, 10)); // true
  • format: Returns the formatted date string in the given format. The result may vary by locale. See Accepted patterns
import { format } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

format(new Date('2020-10-10'), 'yyyy/MM/dd'); // 1399/07/19
  • isEqual: Are the given dates equal?
import { isEqual, newDate } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isEqual(newDate(1361, 10, 10), newDate(1372, 10, 10)); // false
isEqual(newDate(1361, 10, 10), newDate(1361, 10, 10)); // true
  • getCurrentYear: Get the year of the current date.
import { getCurrentYear } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

getCurrentYear(); // 1400
  • currentDateObject: Converts date instance to an object.
import { currentDateObject } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

currentDateObject(); // {day: 16, hour: 5, minute: 51, month: 5, second: 1, year: 1400}
  • isLeapYear: Check if the entered year is Leap
import { isLeapYear } from '@persian-tools/persian-mobile-datepicker';

isLeapYear(1399); // true
isLeapYear(1400); // false


  • [ ] Add hour, minute and seconds
  • [ ] Implement react native component