Valentin Perrelle
Valentin Perrelle
I have just built it from source. This gave me a useful stacktrace: ``` Stack trace (most recent call last): #26 Object "", at 00007FFD2B507344, in BaseThreadInitThunk #25 Source "D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_main.cpp",...
Yes, there is no crash with the same save on the original game.
Your branch fixes the crash. I don't know where the log is located, I could not find it.
There is not output on the console window. I can try to set a break point, but I will need to familiarize with VS first. The portrait is empty on...
`frameId` is way beyond the boundaries with a value of `1495369312` while `textures.size()` is `19`
No, I've been using your branch.
On `master`, I still have the problem, but the `int64_t` type allows for a bigger value : `2542856067488`. It does seem like some uninitialized value.
No, it is not : ``` [2024-04-07 12:15:52.388] [error] Failed to retreive OOB frameID '2202524559328' from TextureFrameTable::GetFrameTexture ```
Here it is : ``` [2024-04-07 20:21:41.639] [warning] Entry 0: name-null frameDur-0 animDur-0 flags-2 [2024-04-07 20:21:45.748] [warning] Entry 1: name-mossrk_2 frameDur-64 animDur-896 flags-3 [2024-04-07 20:21:45.750] [warning] Entry 2: name-woodtl_1 frameDur-64...
There may be a problem with the GoG version of the game. The problem only appears when being able to look at the priest portrait, not when entering the...