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Java Library to Translate RSQL into Spring Data JPA Specification and QueryDSL Predicate


Sonatype Nexus (Releases) Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)

Release Workflow Status Snapshot Workflow Status PR Workflow Status

Translate RSQL query into or com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate and support entities association query.

Supported Operators

Since version 5.0.5, you can define your own operators and customize the logic via RSQLCustomPredicate.

Maven Repository;gav~io.github.perplexhub~rsql*

Add rsql-jpa-spring-boot-starter for RSQL to Spring JPA translation

Maven dependency for rsql-jpa-spring-boot-starter


Add JpaSpecificationExecutor to your JPA repository interface classes

package com.perplexhub.repository;


import com.perplexhub.model.User;

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {

Add rsql-querydsl-spring-boot-starter for RSQL to Spring JPA and QueryDSL translation

Maven dependency for rsql-querydsl-spring-boot-starter


Add JpaSpecificationExecutor and QuerydslPredicateExecutor to your JPA repository interface classes

package com.perplexhub.repository;


import com.perplexhub.model.User;

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<User> {

Use below properties to control the version of Spring Boot, Spring Data and QueryDSL


RSQL Syntax Reference

filter = "id=bt=(2,4)";// id>=2 && id<=4 //between
filter = "id=nb=(2,4)";// id<2 || id>4 //not between
filter = "company.code=like=em"; //like %em%
filter = "company.code=ilike=EM"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code=icase=EM"; //ignore case equal EM
filter = "company.code=notlike=em"; //not like %em%
filter = "company.code=inotlike=EM"; //ignore case not like %EM%
filter = "company.code=ke=e*m"; //like %e*m%
filter = "company.code=ik=E*M"; //ignore case like %E*M%
filter = "company.code=nk=e*m"; //not like %e*m%
filter = "company.code=ni=E*M"; //ignore case not like %E*M%
filter = "company.code=ic=E^^M"; //ignore case equal E^^M
filter = "company.code==demo"; //equal
filter = "company.code=='demo'"; //equal
filter = "company.code==''"; //equal to empty string
filter = "company.code==dem*"; //like dem%
filter = "company.code==*emo"; //like %emo
filter = "company.code==*em*"; //like %em%
filter = "company.code==^EM"; //ignore case equal EM
filter = "company.code==^*EM*"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code=='^*EM*'"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code!=demo"; //not equal
filter = "company.code=in=(*)"; //equal to *
filter = "company.code=in=(^)"; //equal to ^
filter = "company.code=in=(demo,real)"; //in
filter = "company.code=out=(demo,real)"; //not in
filter = ""; //greater than
filter = ""; //less than
filter = ""; //greater than or equal
filter = ""; //less than or equal
filter = ">100"; //greater than
filter = "<100"; //less than
filter = ">=100"; //greater than or equal
filter = "<=100"; //less than or equal
filter = "company.code=isnull=''"; //is null
filter = "company.code=null=''"; //is null
filter = "company.code=na=''"; //is null
filter = "company.code=nn=''"; //is not null
filter = "company.code=notnull=''"; //is not null
filter = "company.code=isnotnull=''"; //is not null

filter = "company.code=='demo';>100"; //and
filter = "company.code=='demo' and>100"; //and

filter = "company.code=='demo',>100"; //or
filter = "company.code=='demo' or>100"; //or

Syntax Reference: RSQL / FIQL parser

Spring Data JPA Specification

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 5); //page 1 and page size is 5

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter), pageable);

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter, true)); // select distinct
repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter, true), pageable);

// use static import
import static io.github.perplexhub.rsql.RSQLSupport.*;

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter), pageable);

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, true)); // select distinct
repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, true), pageable);

// property path remap
filter = "compCode=='demo';compId>100"; // "company.code=='demo';>100" -  protect our domain model #10

Map<String, String> propertyPathMapper = new HashMap<>();
propertyPathMapper.put("compId", "");
propertyPathMapper.put("compCode", "company.code");

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, propertyPathMapper));
repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, propertyPathMapper), pageable);

Sort Syntax

sort = "id,asc"; // order by id asc
sort = "id,asc;,desc"; // order by id asc, desc
sort = "name,asc,ic"  // order by name ascending ignore case

Sort with JPA Specifications


// sort with custom field mapping
Map<String, String> propertyMapping = new HashMap<>();
propertyMapping.put("userID", "id");
propertyMapping.put("companyID", "");

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSort("userID,asc;companyID,desc", propertyMapping)); // same as id,asc;,desc

Filtering and Sorting with JPA Specification

Specification<?> specification = RSQLSupport.toSpecification("")


QueryDSL Predicate (BooleanExpression)

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 5); //page 1 and page size is 5

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toPredicate(filter, QUser.user));
repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toPredicate(filter, QUser.user), pageable);

// use static import
import static io.github.perplexhub.rsql.RSQLSupport.*;

repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user));
repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user), pageable);

// property path remap
filter = "compCode=='demo';compId>100"; // "company.code=='demo';>100" - protect our domain model #10

Map<String, String> propertyPathMapper = new HashMap<>();
propertyPathMapper.put("compId", "");
propertyPathMapper.put("compCode", "company.code");

repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user, propertyPathMapper));
repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user, propertyPathMapper), pageable);

Custom Value Converter

		SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
		RSQLJPASupport.addConverter(Date.class, s -> {
			try {
				return sdf.parse(s);
			} catch (ParseException e) {
				return null;

Custom Operator & Predicate

		String rsql = "createDate=dayofweek='2'";
		RSQLCustomPredicate<Long> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=dayofweek="), Long.class, input -> {
			Expression<Long> function = input.getCriteriaBuilder().function("DAY_OF_WEEK", Long.class, input.getPath());
			return input.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(function, (Long) input.getArguments().get(0));
		List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
		String rsql = "name=around='May'";
		RSQLCustomPredicate<String> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=around="), String.class, input -> {
			if ("May".equals(input.getArguments().get(0))) {
				return input.getPath().in(Arrays.asList("April", "May", "June"));
			return input.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(input.getPath(), (String) input.getArguments().get(0));
		List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
		String rsql = ",3)";
		RSQLCustomPredicate<Long> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=between=", true), Long.class, input -> {
			return input.getCriteriaBuilder().between(input.getPath().as(Long.class), (Long) input.getArguments().get(0), (Long) input.getArguments().get(1));
		List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
		String rsql = "city=notAssigned=''";
		RSQLCustomPredicate<String> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=notAssigned="), String.class, input -> {
			return input.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(input.getRoot().get("city"));
		List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));