Tina Müller (tinita)
Tina Müller (tinita)
Related: `!!binary` in Example 2.23 https://github.com/yaml/yaml/issues/66
@ioggstream binary and timestamp aren't official tags anymore at all in 1.2
@ioggstream I would say no, and if you have a look at the individual types under that link you will find "Working Draft 2005-01-18" on all of them, so they...
[yamlpp-parse-emit](https://github.com/perlpunk/YAML-PP-p5) is written in perl. And yes, that it accepts only `tag:...` or `!...` seems to be a bug. All the examples in the spec used that, so I never...
This is the install script: https://github.com/yaml/yaml-runtimes/blob/master/docker/haskell/utils/hs-build.sh
Related to the YAMLReference error ``` Text/Yaml/Reference.hs:711:3: error: ‘fail’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘Monad’ ``` I found this issue: https://github.com/haskell/hsc2hs/issues/27 So probably this fix is not yet...
Sorry for not reacting earlier.I have been extremely busy and have to catch up with a lot of stuff. I'm not sure which errors you got; I just fixed the...
I think guidelines are good, yes :) There might be differences depending on the context. For example, a YAML processor should by default always output `---` at the start of...
> One deal breaker here is the fact that libyaml has no support for keeping comments, something that is very important for the human side. FWIW, yamltidy is based on...
The problem is that the spec defines rules like this: ``` [8] c-sequence-start ::= “[” ``` but then it simply uses `[` directly instead of the `c-sequence-start`. I think @ingydotnet...