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A Discord bot that enhances First Come, First Serve in voice channel waiting rooms.

First Come, First Serve

A Discord bot that enhances First Come, First Serve in voice channel waiting rooms.

Configuring Bot Admin, Mod, and Helper roles:

All of these commands require the Administrator permission to use.

addadminrole "<roleName>"
Adds a role as Bot Admin. Admin commands are described below.
Aliases: aar

removeadminrole "<roleName>"
Removes a role as Bot Admin.
Aliases: rar

Lists all Bot Admin roles for the server. Aliases: lar

addmodrole "<roleName>"
Adds a role as Bot Mod. Mod commands are described below.
Aliases: amr

removemodrole "<roleName>"
Removes a role as Bot Mod.
Aliases: rmr

Lists all Bot Mod roles for the server.
Aliases: lmr

addhelperrole "<roleName>"
Adds a role as Bot Helper. Helper commands are described below.
Aliases: ahr

removehelperrole "<roleName>"
Removes a role as Bot Helper.
Aliases: rhr

Lists all Bot Helper roles for the server.
Aliases: lhr

Bot Admin commands:

All of these commands require Bot Admin permissions to use. Bot Admins may also use commands from Bot Mod and Bot Helper.

setprefix <prefix>
Sets the bot prefix for the server.
Aliases: prefix

createwaitingroom "<monitorChannel>" <displayCount> <rejoinWindow> <afkCheckDuration>
Creates a waiting room that displays the first displayCount members to join monitorChannel in the channel the command was typed in, with a grace period of rejoinWindow for accidental disconnects, and waiting afkCheckDuration to remove the user from queue when they're afk-checked.
Aliases: cwr
Example: fcfs!cwr "Waiting Room 1" 10 1m 5m

deletewaitingroom "<monitorChannel>"
Removes the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Aliases: dwr

Lists all waiting rooms in the server.
Aliases: lwr

setdisplaysize "<monitorChannel>" <displaySize>
Sets the display max length for the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Aliases: sds

setrejoinwindow "<monitorChannel>" <rejoinWindow>
Sets the rejoin window for the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Aliases: srw

setafkcheckduration "<monitorChannel>" <afkCheckDuration>
Sets the AFK check duration for the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Aliases: sacd

setautomatic "<monitorChannel>" <interval> [outputChannel]
Creates an automatic afk-check every interval, putting the output in outputchannel if specified, or the channel the command was typed in otherwise.
Aliases: sa
Example: fcfs!sa "Waiting Room 1" 45m OR fcfs!sa "Waiting Room 1" off

Bot Mod commands:

All of these commands require Bot Mod permissions to use. Bot Mods may also use commands from Bot Helper.

setposition <member> <position>
Sets a user's position in the queue that they're in.
Aliases: sp

afkchecktop "<monitorChannel>",
AFK-checks all members displayed in the waiting room display.

Bot Helper commands:

All of these commands require Bot Helper permissions to use.

afkcheck <member>
Sends the user a DM with a reaction on it, which they must click within the configured afkCheckDuration to stay in the queue.
Aliases: afk

Base Commands:

Anyone can use these commands.

info "<monitorChannel>"
Displays info about the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Example: fcfs!info "Waiting Room 1"

position "[member]"
Displays the command sender's position in the queue, or the referenced member.
Aliases: p
Example: fcfs!p "peril" OR fcfs!p

queuelength "<monitorChannel>"
Displays the queue length of the waiting room associated with monitorChannel.
Aliases: ql
Example: fcfs!ql "Waiting Room 1"