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Hardware Recommendation?
Hello -- I would like to know how much hardware is recommended for a brightspot-cms server which will need to handle 1.4TB of outgoing bandwidth and about 9 million visitors per month?
As I was thinking about this problem -- I thought it might be helpful to use units of efficiency/installation and compare the ratio of the brightspot-cms vs the wordpress cms.
Now, I'd imagine that since we're running Java + SolR on here, we'll weigh in towards the fat side on RAM. We want redundant servers so that there's no single point-of-failure (dual webservers + load balancer, and one master/slave DB pair (with redundancy).
So that's 5 servers , and here's what I'm wondering about specs I'd need. :
- 6x Webservers: 24GB RAM, 8CPU core
- Load Balancer
- Master DB: 24GB RAM, 8CPU core
- 2x Slave DB: 24GB RAM, 8CPU core (redundancy)
Parchance one of you fine fellows could be so bold as to tell me if I'm hot or if I'm cold?