pose2sim copied to clipboard
Large number of Json are annoying to copy. Would it be possible to imagine that P2S would accept an other file format such as hdf5 or any other ?
I know that json is the base export format file for open pose but when you are manipulating large amount of individual frame in a video and each is file is in a different json file it make folder with large number of file making it quite "difficult" ( I means extremely long) to copy. How could it be handle in a elegant manner ? We might concatenate all the json in a single file ? Any thought on this issue ?
I saw that it was in your to do list at the end of the read me. I might try to have a look.
I totally agree, it would be nice if Pose2Sim could natively accept both json and h5 format (such a the DeepLabCut one). You may have a look at this piece of code: https://github.com/perfanalytics/pose2sim/blob/main/Pose2Sim/Utilities/Blazepose_runsave.py#L51