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Using SEMPRE with knowledge graphs other than Freebase
I would like to use SEMPRE for semantic parsing on my own database/graph which is not related to Freebase. I tried to change the tutorial.ttl, tutorial.grammar and tutorial.lexicon files to fit a toy example of my graph but run into several errors.
The changes I tried are removing anything related to freebase such as the line:
@prefix fb:
. (could you explain the meaning of this line?)
and special prefixes "fb:","en." etc from the tutorial.ttl file.
What changes should I be making instead?
Hi. I am facing the same issue. Could you suggest how to add a sample graph file of any other database such as dbpedia and its lexicon, grammar files to query just like it is mentioned in the tutorial. Thanks
I'm less familiar with the freebase module. But for a smaller database (< 10K relations), there is an example in the geo880
./pull-dependencies core corenlp tables geo880
ant geo880
./run @mode=geo880
This loads the whole knowledge graph in lib/data/geo880 to memory, and query it with a built-in executor (instead of building a SPARQL query for an external server).