Percy Grunwald
Percy Grunwald
@kytrinyx I made the changes I suggested in my comment above. The article is shorter and more engaging in my opinion, and there is less overlap with what the video...
@kytrinyx @iHiD, I'm totally fine with this. If you're both happy to proceed this way I can start to chop up the post.
@iHiD @kytrinyx, article-splitting complete! Let me know what you think 👍
@kytrinyx, I'm fine with those suggestions, I'll get to work implementing them and make a new commit for your review.
@kytrinyx I've made changes based on your feedback. I kept the file names the same so it's easier to see what changes I made. Let me know what you think.
Thanks for the feedback @kytrinyx, I'll make some edits today.
@kytrinyx, added more improvements to the articles: * Removes titles with `part x` in them * Improves introductions to lead into article content * Changes framing to be less "me"...
@kytrinyx, great suggestions, thank you! I've pushed some updates.
No problem, I'll remove the gif and make a new PR.
@kytrinyx, I made some pretty major changes to the article, including a full section on parallelism vs concurrency, plus how Elixir makes achieving both simpler than some other popular languages/runtimes...