fortran-lapack copied to clipboard
Assumed shape vs contiguous arrays
We already discussed that on Discourse.
BLAS/LAPACK routines mostly use assumed size arrays, thus contiguous arrays, but can handle non contiguous data by using the inc*
In the modern wrapper (e.g. solve
) you are developing, you are defining assumed-shape arguments, which is a good thing.
The problem is that compilers may/will generate copy-in/copy-out in the underlying calls to the LAPACK routines.
subroutine brand_new(A)
real, intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
subroutine old_timer(n,A,lda)
integer n, lda
real A(lda,*)
end subroutine old_timer
end interface
n = size(A,1)
call old_timer(n,A,n) ! possible copy-in/copy-out at this point
end subroutine brand_new
How can we avoid that? We talked about inquiring the strides, using the C interoperability and the C array descriptors. So it could look like:
subroutine brand_new(A)
real, intent(inout) :: A(:,:)
subroutine old_timer(n,A,lda)
integer n, lda
real A(lda,*)
end subroutine old_timer
end interface
n = size(A,1)
inc = stride(A,1) ! C routine behind
lda = stride(A,2) ! C routine behind
if (inc == 1) then
call old_timer(n,A(1,1),lda) ! not nice, but supposed to work and avoid copy-in/copy-out
call old_timer(n,A,n) ! copy-in/copy-out cannot be avoided in this case
end if
end subroutine brand_new
What do you think ?