Sergei Shulepov

Results 106 comments of Sergei Shulepov

I have a gut feeling that it's not enough to substitute only signature verification. I am pretty sure that in the long tail there are cases which would require doing...

> For fuzzing we had recently this issue: Yes, thanks, I am aware. Me and Kian already discussed those things over time. But I agree on the points. >...

> ℹ️ TL;DR: Resources, specifically the stack limits, is more or less the only thing that worries me. I will only address the wasm section since I don't feel confident...

Ah, yeah, and also the point about "determinism differences". If it is possible to compare if one implementation is "more deterministic" than other then I prefer to avoid that. This...

Since we are the embedders it is only up to us which host functions to define and we can restrict the set only to deterministic ones (which we already do)....

Not to comment on the second part, but I still think that memory is not the biggest concern for us. Yeah, I think what I said still applies to the...

@burdges here we talk about DMP though not the lateral messaging passing which you seem to refer. @eskimor DMP, where messages go down from the relay-chain to the parachain, was...

Yes, that's one way to do this. However, `PersistedValidationData` is primarily used as input to a PVF. Also, `PersistedValidationData` is unique for each relay-parent[^1]. It is also stored in the...

> and I think realloc is part of the posix spec too? I believe that not only `realloc` but also `calloc`. There is some API mismatch, Rust allocators takes [`Layout`](

Interesting! I think in theory it should be possible. There is a global variable provided by LLD call `__heap_base`. We can link against it to get the address where we...