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Simple and light web control panel for manipulating GPIO ports in Raspberry Pi
RPi GPIO Web Control Panel
This is a simple and light web control panel for manipulating GPIO ports in Raspberry Pi.
It is based on:
- bcm2835 library - used for GPIO access (http://www.open.com.au/mikem/bcm2835/, GPLv2 license)
- KoanLogic Srl KLone - as a web server (http://www.koanlogic.com/klone/, Simplified BSD license)
- jQuery library - used for HTML DOM manipulation and animations (http://jquery.com/, MIT License)
- Simple HTML/CSS without any graphic files.
- You can define which of GPIO ports you want to use as an input and which as an output.
- Main page displays current status for all defined GPIO ports.
- You can change value for GPIO defined as output simply by click on its label.
- Give your Raspberry Pi access to the Internet.
- Download and install bcm2835 library from http://www.open.com.au/mikem/bcm2835/, make sure it is working!
- Read about pin numbering in bcm2835 library and something about KLone web server.
- Download RPi GPIO Web Control Panel in zip archive, extract it.
- Change declaration for GPIO ports in lib/rpigpiowebcp.c file (gpio_outs[] and gpio_ins[] arrays) or use default values.
- Refer to KLone config file in webapp/etc/kloned.conf.
- Run make and wait...
- If everything went well run sudo ./kloned -F (this command will run KLone daemon in foreground mode) and go to your Raspberry Pi IP address in your browser.
- CTRL+C to stop KLone daemon.
Future plans
- Multi languages support (now only Polish).
- Access only for authorized users (login form, sessions).
- Change working mode from cyclic "polling" server for data to "push" data from server to browser.
- Change GPIO ports definition during operation and store settings in external file/files.
- Support for other GPIO manipulating libraries or make own.
- SPI, I2C, UART support.
- 1.0: Initial release (01-12-2012)