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A front-end agnostic toolbox for autocompletion fields

============================ Django Agnostic Autocomplete

.. image:: :target:

Heavily based on django-autocomplete-light v2 <>_ workflow and concepts, this toolkit offers a front-end agnostic way to get fields for autocompletion.

It will provide:

  • a simple and configurable entry-point management,
  • a REST-like HTTP API to search for results,
  • Fields and widgets that will make the interface between our Django code and your Javascript.


Stable, used in production.


.. code:: sh

$ pip install django-agnocomplete

Or add django-agnocomplete to your project requirements.


The full documentation is browsable on Read the Docs <>_


Install tox in your environment (it could be a virtualenv) and run:

.. code:: sh

$ tox

It'll run the tests for all the combinations of the following:

  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9.
  • Django 2.2.

and a flake8 check.

Are you a developer?

To target a specific test case, use the following:

.. code:: sh

$ tox -e py37-django22 --  demo.tests.test_core.AutocompleteChoicesPagesOverrideTest

Everything after the double-dash will be passed to the test command.

If you need to install a debugger (let's say ipdb), you can use the TOX_EXTRA environment variable like this:

.. code:: sh

$ TOX_EXTRA=ipdb tox -e py36-django22

.. note::

We've got a self documented Makefile for common tasks, such as running the tests, building the docs, etc.

Run the demo

The (draft) demo site can be browsed using the Django devserver. Run:

.. code:: sh

$ make serve

It will run a syncdb (it may ask you questions) and then a runserver with your current demo.settings. You can browse the (very rough) website at You can add any runserver options you want using the tox positional parameters, like this:

.. code:: sh

$ tox -e serve -- 9090  # to change the listening port

Here you'll be able to see that django-agnocomplete has been easily and rapidly integrated with selectize.js, select2, jquery-autocomplete and typeahead. With the same backend, you can plug the JS front-end you want.

Troubles running the demo?

This demo project is not build as a production-ready application, models can change, but there's no migration in it. If you have database errors, you can try to remove it using:

.. code:: sh

$ make clean-db

Or, for more radical cleanup:

.. code:: sh

$ make clean-all


This piece of software is being published under the terms of the MIT License. Please read the LICENSE file for more details.