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DroidAirPlay copied to clipboard

DroidAirPlay is an AirPlay receiver capable of streaming Audio, Video and Photos from iOS devices to an Android 4 device. It's primary use is for in-car systems where Android tables are used as the ca...


Rafael Almeida ([email protected]) July 2012


The ideia is to develop a AirPlay Receiver that runs on Android tablet and is part of a wider range of apps for in-car-systems. The ideia is that the tablet is used as a car dashboard to control all car functions and the ability to stream audio, video e fotos from iOS devices is achieved throught this project.

This project is based on the work done by Florian G. Pflug <fgp [at] phlo.org> project's AirReceiver.

AirReceiver is a desktop AirPlay receiver application, bellow is a full description:

NOTE: Work on DroidAirPlay has just worked (as of June 2012) so most of the code and project strucutre is the same as AirReceiver (since this is a fork from AirReceiver's repository).


Florian G. Pflug <fgp [at] phlo.org> May 2011


AirReceiver is an AirPort Express emulator, i.e. it allows streaming audio from iTunes and iOS devices to a computer running AirReceiver. It does so by implementing a RAOP/AirTunes2 server.


AirReceiver is compatible with iTunes and iPhones/iPods. It implements not only raw audio streaming but also the timing-related parts of RAOP/Airtunes2.

RAOP/AirTunes requires that the device (the computer running AirReceiver) adapts itself to the rate at which iTunes or iOS streams the sound. AirReceiver currently does that simply by repeating samples (in case iTunes/iOS sends slightly slower than your sound card emits the signal) or dropping samples (in case iTunes/iOS sends slightly faster). This can lead to audible clicks in audio output every few seconds or every few minutes, depending in how large the clock drift between the two devices is.

AirReceiver will hopefully eventually gain the ability to deal with drifting clocks more gracefully by dynamically resampling the audio stream, but it isn't there yet.

Working Platforms

In principle, any platform for which Java 1.6 Standard Edition compatible VM is available should work. AirReceiver contains no native (non-Java) code.

AirReceiver has been confirmed to work on Mac OS X 10.6 i386 with the 64-bit VM and on Windows XP with the 32bit VM.

Reports of experiences with AirReceiver on other platforms are highly appreciated!


If you're on Mac OS X, download the AirReceiver-app.zip from the bin/ folder (or use the large Download button), unzip it, and launch it.

If you're on Windows or Linux, download the AirReceiver.one-jar.jar and double-click it (or type java -jar AirReceiver.one-jar.jar on the command line).

Either way, give it about half a minute to announce itself on the network, then choose it as output device on your iOS device or in iTunes.

iTunes adds an icon in the bottom right corner once it has detected a compatible device, iOS shows the icon next to the previous, pause, next buttons.


No installation is required, simply download the appropriate package (either the app or the jar) for your platform and launch it.


AirReceiver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

AirReceiver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AirReceiver. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

AirReceiver contains code written by soiaf, check the file license.txt in src/main/java/com/beatofthedrum/alacdecoder

References & Acknowledgements

  • ShairPort written by James Laird http://mafipulation.org/blagoblig/reversing, https://github.com/albertz/shairport AirReceiver wouldn't haven been possible to write without the work James Laird put into reverse-engineering the protocol and encryption.

  • ALAC Decoder written David Hammerton and ported to Java by soiaf https://github.com/soiaf/Java-Apple-Lossless-decoder

  • Java mDNS - ZeroConf (Bonjour(TM) in Apple terms) implementation for Java http://jmdns.sourceforge.net/ Provides AirReceiver with the ability to announce it's service on the local network without having to resort to platform-specific code like Apple's Bonjour Java bindings (which aren't available on Linux anyway)

  • Netty by the JBoss Community http://www.jboss.org/netty Netty makes writing network server in Java pure joy. Writing the RTSP server component was a breeze with netty's built-in support for HTTP and RTSP.

  • BouncyCastle Java Cryptography Provider http://www.bouncycastle.org/ BouncyCastle included all of the RSA and AES variants used by RAOP/AirTunes2

  • Base64 Encoder/Decoder by iharder http://iharder.sourceforge.net/current/java/base64/ iharder's Base64 decode saved me a few hours it'd otherwise probably have spent writing and debugging an base64 encoder/decoder myself.

  • Maven http://maven.apache.org/ Hassle-free dependency management. And a helluva lot of plugins, usually just a few google searches away.

  • OneJar packaging plugin for maven http://one-jar.sourceforge.net/ Provides the double-clickable .jar files, and all that's required was adding a few lines to AirReceiver's .pom

  • Mac OS X application packaging plugin for maven http://mojo.codehaus.org/osxappbundle-maven-plugin/ Add a few lines to your .pom and, there, you've built a Mac OS X application bundle from your Java application. Cool!