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Fix failing tests on Windows
Whilst trying to build the HEAD
of master
on Windows, a few tests failed due to simple reasons.
I have now corrected the tests, I think they should now run to completion on Linux, macOS, and Windows.
:warning: Build finished in 31m 24s
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -pl engine
:no_entry: Failed Tests
:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: 2 test(s) failed:
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.csvinput.CsvInputContentParsingTest.testEnclosures (click to expand)
Wrong row: [[B@a31113c, [B@5c06ddaa, [B@77b7ab7c]: array lengths differed, expected.length=21 actual.length=20
org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.uniquerowsbyhashset.RowKeyTest.testHashCodeCalculationsandEquals (click to expand)
expected:<1780192570> but was:<-227281350>
Tests run: 3911, Failures: 2, Skipped: 6 Test Results
:information_source: This is an automatic message
:white_check_mark: Build finished in 33m 44s
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -pl engine
:ok_hand: All tests passed!
Tests run: 3911, Failures: 0, Skipped: 6 Test Results
:information_source: This is an automatic message
:x: Build failed in 3h 29m 3s
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -pl engine
:exclamation: No tests found!
Filtered log (click to expand)
script returned exit code 1
:information_source: This is an automatic message
:x: Build failed in 2h 30m 24s
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd -pl engine
:exclamation: No tests found!
Filtered log (click to expand)
script returned exit code 1
:information_source: This is an automatic message
:x: Build failed in 2m 47s
Build command:
mvn clean verify -B -e -Daudit -amd
:exclamation: No tests found!
:information_source: This is an automatic message