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Kettle plugin that provides support for interacting within many "big data" projects including Hadoop, Hive, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, and others.
Pentaho Big Data Plugin
The Pentaho Big Data Plugin Project provides support for an ever-expanding Big Data community within the Pentaho ecosystem. It is a plugin for the Pentaho Kettle engine which can be used within Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle), Pentaho Reporting, and the Pentaho BI Platform.
It's a maven build, so mvn clean install
is a typical default for a local build.
JDK 11 in your path. Maven 3.3.9 in your path. This settings.xml
How to use the custom settings.xml
Option 1: Copy this file into your
Option 2: Copy this file into some other folder--possibly the project folder for the project you want to build and use the maven 's' option to build with this settings.xml file. Example: mvn -s public-settings.xml install
The Pentaho profile defaults to pull all artifacts through the Pentaho public repository. If you want to try resolving maven plugin dependencies through the maven central repository instead of the Pentaho public repository, activate the "central" profile like this:
mvn -s -public-settings.xml -P central install
If your fails to resolve the jacoco-maven-plugin version 0.7.7-SNAPSHOT
The 0.7.7-SNAPSHOT property version for the jacoco-maven-plugin is defined in several releases of the Pentaho parent poms, but it is only available in the Pentaho artifact repositories. If you are trying to resolve through maven central or other public repositories you should override to get the latest version like this:
mvn -s -public-settings.xml -P central install -Djacoco-maven-plugin.version=
Further Reading
Additional documentation is available on the Community wiki: Big Data Plugin for Java Developers
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for more information.