penpot copied to clipboard
bug: Exporter timeout for unknown reason
Steps To Reproduce
I deployed penpot manually into a LXC instance and I have only one problem since the beginning, I cannot export my mockups to PDF.
I defined into environment variable exporter the following information: PENPOT_PUBLIC_URI=http://localhost PENPOT_REDIS_URI=redis://localhost/0
Public URI seems reachable from server itself without any problem (Nginx has been configured this way). But exporter return a timeout (without specifying the target which try to be reached).
To reproduce the issue:
- Open any project available from Projects page.
- Click on the top left "three dot" menu > File > Export the workspace to PDF.
- Select at least one item to export and click "Export".
- An export on going notification appear, but after few seconds, the page returns "Internal error"
Expected behavior
I'm expecting to get a PDF file.
Actual behavior
I getting an "Internal error" due to an unexpected timeout.
Screenshots or video
No response
Desktop (please complete the following information)
- Browser (client): Firefox ERS 115.8.0esr
Smartphone (please complete the following information)
No response
Environment (please complete the following information)
- Self hosted and self installed (no Docker)
- OS: Debian Bookworm
- NodeJS: 18.17.1
- Java: openjdk version "21.0.2"
- Penpot: tag version "2.0.2".
Frontend Stack Trace
Hint: http error
Prof ID: 314091e9-9328-8055-8002-b5496427b72a
Team ID: 314091e9-9328-8055-8002-b549ac7405d9
{:type :unexpected-error, :status 404, :data "(...)", :hint "http error"}
Last events:
Exporter Stack Trace
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: ERR [app.handlers.export-frames] hint="unexpected error on frames exportation"
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: Data:
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: {:type :internal, :code :timeout, :hint "ResourceRequest timed out"}
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]:
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: Error: ResourceRequest timed out
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at new cljs.core.ExceptionInfo (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:26821:14)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at cljs.core.ex_info.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3 (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:26856:10)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at app.browser.translate_browser_errors (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:75696:29)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at /opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:74997:134
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at Object.reject (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:74512:107)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at $jscomp$scope$84173391$24$processNextTick (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:73398:167)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at $jscomp$scope$84173391$26$transition (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:73377:110)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at $jscomp$scope$84173391$13$PromiseImpl.reject (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:73479:82)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at Object.complete (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:73411:28)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: at $jscomp$scope$84173391$25$resolveTask (/opt/penpot/exporter/target/app.js:73380:54)
Apr 22 09:11:20 penpot node[78684]: DBG [app.handlers] hint="process-request", cmd=:get-resource
Additional context
No response
Hello, this seems to be a configuration problem, specifically related to the exporter module, for which I do not see any log. Could you put the exporter log to see if it sheds some light on the matter? Thank you.
Hi @niwinz, thanks for your reply. I edited my issue since the last part is Exporter logs.
And that exporter logs has more previous log entries?
Exporter has nothing other, just this logs in loop (since I tried to do export several times).
I'm not sure if this will help, but here the startup logs
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot systemd[1]: Started penpot-exporter.service - Penpot.
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [] hint="tmptdir setup", path="/tmp/penpot-exporter"
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [app.core] msg="initializing", public-uri="http://localhost", version="1.19.0"
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [app.browser] hint="initializing browser pool", opts=#js {:max 5, :min 0, :testOnBorrow true, :evictionRunIntervalMillis 5000, :numTestsPerEvictionRun 5, :acquireTimeoutMillis 10000, :idleTimeoutMillis 10000}
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [app.http] hint="welcome to penpot", module="exporter", version="1.19.0"
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [app.http] hint="starting http server", port=6061
Apr 11 14:03:20 penpot node[23576]: INF [app.redis] hint="redis connection established", uri="redis://localhost/0"
I'm looking for something similar to:
The exporter, in its functionality, makes an internal request to the frontend application (the same application that runs in your browser when loading the penpot url) to Render the different boards that you have selected in an internal browser and capture the image and build the PDF. The exception you see is that the exporter is probably not able to load the application and hence the timeout.
I have tested to install penpot via docker on an ARM server and the exporter works correctly, while on an INTEL server it does not work.
Hello, I have the same issue on a docker compose instance based on the general documentation. The docker-compose.yml is this one
Docker compose log upon export :
penpot-exporter-1 | TRC [app.browser] hint="exec:handle:end", browser-id=2
penpot-exporter-1 | TRC [] hint="schedule tempfile deletion", path="/tmp/penpot-exporter/penpot.tmp.pdfunite.deaeab41-d182-810a-8004-bd2c9ea59208.34a9e770-395c-80c0-8004-bd67852f226a-0.pdf", scheduled-at="Wed Jul 31 2024 12:29:49 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)"
penpot-exporter-1 | TRC [] fn=:run-cmd, cmd="pdfunite /tmp/penpot-exporter/penpot.tmp.render.pdf.34a9e770-395c-80c0-8004-bd677eb5fb21-0.pdf /tmp/penpot-exporter/penpot.tmp.pdfunite.deaeab41-d182-810a-8004-bd2c9ea59208.34a9e770-395c-80c0-8004-bd67852f226a-0.pdf"
penpot-exporter-1 | INF [app.browser] origin="factory", action="destroy", browser-id=2
For now the simpliest solution seems to be using this path and running docker container cp.
So in my case docker container cp penpot-penpot-exporter-1:/tmp/penpot-exporter/penpot.tmp.render.pdf.34a9e770-395c-80c0-8004-bd677eb5fb21-0.pdf .
If you plan to export a lot of PDFs, maybe map a local .tmp folder to the tmp of the exporter.
The opened file is actually the exact PDF of the exported design, so no problem there.