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API for the Penn Labs platform built using Django REST framework. Includes accounts engine, club directory, product listings, documentation etc.


CircleCI Coverage Status

The Labs Platform is the back-end interface to the ecosystem that facilitates the organization's:

  1. Accounts Engine
  2. Cross-Product Resources
  3. Organizational Information


  1. Configure environment variables (e.g. .env) containing:
SENTRY_URL=https://[email protected]/product
  1. Run using docker: docker run -d pennlabs/platform


Routes are defined in /pennlabs/ and subsequent app folders in the form of */ Account/authorization related scripts are located in accounts/ and Penn Labs related scripts are located in org/.

Documentation about individual endpoints is available through the documentation/ route when the Django app is running.


You will need to start both the backend and the frontend to do Platform development.


Running the backend requires Python 3.

To run the server, cd to the folder where you cloned platform. Then run:

  • cd backend

Setting up psycopg2 (this is necessary if you want to be able to modify dependencies, you can revisit later if not)

  • Mac
    • $ brew install postgresql
    • $ brew install openssl
    • $ brew unlink openssl && brew link openssl --force
    • $ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    • $ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/lib"
    • $ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@3/include"
  • Windows
    • $ apt-get install gcc python3-dev libpq-dev

Now, you can run

  • $ pipenv install to install Python dependencies. This may take a few minutes. Optionally include the --dev argument if you are installing locally for development. If you skipped installing psycopg2 earlier, you might see an error with locking -- this is expected!
  • $ pipenv shell
  • $ ./ migrate OR $ python3 migrate
  • $ ./ populate_users OR $ python3 populate_users (in development, to populate the database with dummy data)
  • $ ./ runserver OR $ python3 runserver


Running the frontend requires Node.js and Yarn.

  1. Enter the frontend directory with a new terminal window. Don't kill your backend server!
  2. Install dependencies using yarn install in the project directory.
  3. Run application using yarn dev.
  4. Access application at http://localhost:3000.


Click Login to log in as a test user. The ./ populate_users command creates a test user for you with username bfranklin and password test. Go to /api/admin to login to this account.