Raymond Penners

Results 91 comments of Raymond Penners

If you don't take special care the combination of `ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_EMAIL=False` and login by email is a tricky one. So removing that constraint altogether may signal the wrong message, so I...

This is already working for OIDC based providers. So, depending on the providers you need to support this might already just work.

It is not very clear what this ticket is about, one the one hand it is about overriding templates, on the other hand I see people using custom serializers suggesting...

Isn't this already handled here https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/pull/3053/files ?

Closing -- allauth definitely prevents logging in with an unverified email if email verification is set to mandatory. As the discussion shows, the issue you are having is caused outside...

When the form is valid, the social signup view ends with a call to: `helpers.complete_social_signup()`. Inside that method, the next URL stashed in the `sociallogin` is already used (`sociallogin.get_redirect_url(request)`), which...


Closing -- see https://github.com/pennersr/django-allauth/issues/1678#issuecomment-400631876

It works for me. Search the code base for `SIGNUP_PASSWORD_ENTER_TWICE` instead.