Jeffrey N. Davis
Jeffrey N. Davis
Howdy! In attempting to set this up for one of our projects, we are getting stonewalled on the following error: ```bash $ lein link assemble . . . Java compiler...
👋 I know this project has been dormant for awhile, but NovoLabs has a strong need for a `finagle-websocket`, and we would be willing to take on a good chunk...
Users should be able to have SQL queries and parameters automatically SQL escaped.
Related to #79 , we want to update Cats to 0.9.0 while still supporting scala 2.11.8 in preparation for a big Finagle version increase.
From #72 , @jeremyrsmith raises a question about supporting additional Charsets for Postgres. Currently we are locked in to `StandardCharsets.UTF_8` throughout the code base. Postgres gives us the current encoding...
Right now the Client executes a Simple Query. We want an ExtendedQuery ( PreparedStatement ) flow as well. See [Extended Query Flow](
Let's put in the Function protocol. Since we can dictate the format we wan't information returned in, it will allow us to generate some test data for a future `decoders`...