The following features need to be added: 1. From the results of the company query on the single-repo analyze page, we can provide a people list of the selected company...
hi gus: Found three problems or topics we need improve 💯 👍 : 1. ros2_java miss support for security plugins in ros2 2. and when we need to add security...
@jacobperron hi jacob, i take the issue here:https://github.com/ros2-java/ros2_java/issues/197, my real mind is that when we need add security model through rcljava android examples, like set some security args, we miss...
if we use this verison, build will pass but will cause the talker/listener example apk excute and crash.
ROS2TalkerActivity.java logic issue:talkerNode.stop() will be run again , node will be stop twice?
when we click stop button, OnClickListener() will run the changeState(false), this api will run the talkerNode.stop(), and when we down this, talkerNode.stop() will run again , so node will be...
talker stop twice stop will broke the app and hard to understand the logic.