MolDiff copied to clipboard
Training stop unexpected at iteration 3618
Hi. I really like this work that uses the molecular fragmentation idea. But when I try to reproduce it, at the 3618th iteration, the iterator says that there are no more elements. Then the training stops. I only added the tqdm module to the loop for observing the training process on your code. In addition I modified the batch_size parameter to equal 64 and the num_workers parameter to equal 8. The error message is attached below. I think it's some kind of error in the setup. But I'm not quite sure. Please reply to me at your convenience if possible. Thanks!
`2023-10-23 01:37:14,919 :: train :: INFO] [Train] Iter 3617 | loss: 1.285635 | loss_pos: 1.181161 | loss_node: 0.091807 | loss_edge: 0.012668 Training: 3%|██████▏ | 3617/110000 [1:02:57<29:16:15, 1.01it/s][2023-10-23 01:37:15,320 :: train :: INFO] [Train] Iter 3618 | loss: 1.513661 | loss_pos: 1.436085 | loss_node: 0.067695 | loss_edge: 0.009880 Training: 3%|██████▏ | 3618/110000 [1:02:58<30:51:47, 1.04s/it] Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\PaperCode\MolDiff.\utils\", line 51, in inf_iterator yield File "C:\Users\ctw31\anaconda3\envs\GNN1\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 633, in next data = self._next_data() File "C:\Users\ctw31\anaconda3\envs\GNN1\lib\site-packages\torch\utils\data\", line 1318, in _next_data raise StopIteration StopIteration
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\PaperCode\MolDiff\scripts\", line 172, in
(GNN1) D:\PaperCode\MolDiff>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "