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A simpler, extendable bidirectional communication Frame between Android WebView and Javascript
English | 简体中文
A simpler, extendable bidirectional communication Frame between Android WebView and Javascript
- supports parsing and callback for JS primitive types
- Modular management
- support System WebView and Custom WebView
- permission authentication is implemented by Native, JS do not need to depend other file
- support Android API 8+, avoid addJavascriptInterface Vulnerability
- compatible with iOS WebViewJavascriptBridge
Getting Started
Download the latest JAR or Gradle:
compile 'com.apkfuns.jsbridge:jsbridge:2.1.1'
The library dependen on support-annotations
, if your project already exists, please exclude
compile('com.apkfuns.jsbridge:jsbridge:2.1.1') {
exclude module: 'support-annotations'
We use JS to call the original module to achieve ajax cross-domain request
to briefly introduce the use of the library
1.Create Module
Create a module that needs to inherit JsModule
and implement thegetModuleName
method, the module naming request is the same as the java variable naming, must not be empty, only allow underline(_)
, if is static Module
(not contain module name),need to inherit JsStaticModule
, the following creates a Native module
public class NativeModule extends JsModule {
public String getModuleName() {
return "native";
2.Create Native Method
Module inside the creation method requires the use of annotations @ JSBridgeMethod
, by default Java method name is JS call method name, also specify the name of the calling method by @JSBridgeMethod (methodName = "xx")
。Method can not be static
or abstract
, method can contain the return type, if the return type is the object, default return string to JS, the method parameters for the following types, you can directly map to their corresponding JS type
Java Types | Mapping the JS type |
Boolean / boolean | Bool |
Integer/ int | Number |
Float / float | Number |
Double / double | Number |
Long / long | Number |
String | String |
JBCallback | function |
JBMap | Object |
JBArray | Array |
for more convenient to call, we define the method parameters as ajax, we look at the ajax request structure
data:{a:1, b:'xx'},
Ajax method parameter is a JS object, the object contains type, url, dataType three string parameters, data parameter is an object, success and error is JS callback method, let's define the Java method.
public void ajax(JBMap dataMap) {
String type = dataMap.getString("type");
String url = dataMap.getString("url");
JBMap data = dataMap.getJBMap("data");
JBCallback successCallback = dataMap.getCallback("success");
JBCallback errorCallback = dataMap.getCallback("error");
// Omit the request code
if (request success) {
} else {
must add annotations @JSBridgeMethod
,the parameter is JBMap
callback JS callback method,variable parameter,support for Java basic types,Array (WritableJBArray),and Object(WritableJBMap), if for other objects, the default converted to string
3.Register Module
There are two ways to register a Module, Default registration
, Dynamic registration
// or
JsBridgeConfig parameter:
Method | Type | Description | Default |
setProtocol | string | The name of the object that JS calls | JsBridge |
setLoadReadyMethod | string | Load the completion of the callback function | onJsBridgeReady |
registerDefaultModule | JsModule | Common module, default load | None |
debugMode | bool | In debug mode, the output TAG is the JsBridgeDebug log | false |
4.WebView inject method & listen callback
public class WebViewActivity extends BaseActivity {
private JsBridge jsBridge;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
jsBridge = JsBridge.loadModule();
webView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient() {
public boolean onJsPrompt(WebView view, String url, String message, String defaultValue, JsPromptResult result) {
// listen callback
jsBridge.callJsPrompt(message, result);
return true;
webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
// inject JS
protected void onDestroy() {
// Avoid memory leaks
Now, in JS code can call this method:
data:{a:1, b:'xx'},
If it is like calling JsBridge.ajax({...})
, change the parent class from JsModule
to JsStaticModule
There are some important information, because JS execution is asynchronous, in order to ensure that injection JS has been completed, please implement the method in the callback, or judge JsBridge object exists
window.onJsBridgeReady = function () {
// or
document.addEventListener('onJsBridgeReady', function(){
// or
if (JsBridge) {
For documentation and additional information see wiki and sample
-keep class com.apkfuns.jsbridge.**{*;}
-keep class * extends com.apkfuns.jsbridge.module.JsModule{*;}
Copyright pengwei1024 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.