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auto install script for Apache CloudStack

  • What is this?

    This is an easy installation script for CloudStack 4.x. This script automates installation on a fresh CentOS 6.x node by using minimal netinstall. All you have to do is running this script with options '-canm'. After a while you will see welcome message on the CloudStack web UI.

    This script also saves installation steps of CloudStack on multiple nodes with Management Servers, Computing Nodes and Storage Servers.

  • How to use

    Download this script into wherever you like on the server that CloudStack will be installed. When you run this script with '-h'(help) optoin, you will see available options for the script. : ./ -h

** Options | Option | Function | | -c | install the common packages | | -n | install NFS server | | -a | install the agent for computing nodes | | -m | install the Management Server | | -h | show help | | -r | reboot after the installation | Usage: - '-cm': when you want to install only the management server - '-cn': when you want to install only the NFS server - '-ca': when you want to install only the agent for computing nodes The '-c'(common) option will set SELinux to permissive, firewall and network.

 Installing CloudStack on single node, type command bellow:
 : ./ -cnamr

** Tips

  • You may need to install 'wget' or 'openssh-clients' package with yum command before downloading this script.
  • If you want to save time to input credentials to login by SSH, enter the ssh public key of your client machine to SSH_PUBLIC_KEY at the 3rd line of the script (optional).
  • Concerns This script sets up the network for CloudStack requirements automatically, and it may works only on servers with 1 NIC.

    This script sets up network bridges as: : # brctl show : bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces : cloud0 8000.fe00a9fe0074 no vnet0 : vnet3 : cloudbr0 8000.80ee733704b5 no eth0 : vnet1 : vnet2 : vnet4 : vnet5 : vnet6 : virbr0 8000.52540079e395 yes virbr0-nic

  • Steps to install CloudStack on single server

    • Install CentOS 6.X from the netinstall disk.
    • Install and configure CloudStack : yum install wget -y : wget : sh ./ -cnmar
    • Enter some informantion which is necessary for installation such as hostname and ip address.
    • The management server will be rebooted automatically. After rebooting, access "http://YOUR-MANAGEMENT-SERVER-IP:8080/client" by using web browser on a client machine.
    • Enter the username and password below.
      • username: admin
      • password: password
    • Enter the information of your cloud system through the Basic Installation Wizard.
    • !DO NOT FORGET! After creating a zone, reboot the SecondaryStorageVM.
    • Go to Infrastructure => System VMs => s-1-VM => click Reboot System VM button (icon of whirling arrow)
    • Go to Templates => CentOS 5.5 => Wait until "Ready" status changes from "" to "Yes".