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Handle large Django QuerySets by spreading their execution on multiple cores and keeping the memory usage low.


Handle large Django QuerySets by spreading their execution on multiple cores and keeping the memory usage low.

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pip install django-parallelized_querysets


parallelized_queryset(queryset, processes=None, function=None)

Process the given queryset and return the result as a list.


Number of processes to create. Defaults to the number returned by multiprocessing.cpu_count().


Apply a function the each result. Does not apply any function by default. The first argument is the Process which is calling it, and the second is the row.

You can also pass two hooks (function that will be executed by the process at defined times):


Give it a function taking the Process as argument and it will be executed at soon as it's created.


Give it a function taking the Process as argument and it will be execute right before the Process exits. If it returns a non-None value, it will be appended to the results queue.


Each time your function returns None, the value won't be in the resulting list.


The order in the QuerySet won't be respected!


Return all the Article objects:

>>> from parallelized_querysets import parallelized_queryset
>>> qs = Article.objects.all()
>>> parallelized_queryset(qs)

Add all Article objects to a Redis index (assuming Article has a append_to_redis method):

>>> from parallelized_querysets import parallelized_queryset
>>> qs = Article.objects.all()
>>> parallelized_queryset(qs, function=lambda p, x: x.append_to_redis())

Do the same but on 6 processes:

>>> from parallelized_querysets import parallelized_queryset
>>> qs = Article.objects.all()
>>> parallelized_queryset(qs, processes=6,
                              function=lambda p, x: x.append_to_redis())

parallelized_multiple_querysets(querysets, processes=None, function=None)

Same as parallelized_queryset but querysets is a list of QuerySets.


./tests/sample/ test sample

About Exception AssertionError: AssertionError()

You may see the following line (multiple times) on the standard error:

Exception AssertionError: AssertionError() in <Finalize object, dead> ignored

This is a bug in Python's garbage collector (running right after a fork), which has been fixed in Python 3.3.0 alpha4.

See for more information on that bug.
