fb-post-bulk-privacy-edit copied to clipboard
Retrieve Post IDs with: "egrep -oh 'top_level_post_id":"(\d+)"' Your_page.html | cut -c 31-45"
The post id retrieval failed i'm guessing because of the high amount of posts
I tried this command but it returns nothing, also can you explain how i'm supposed to plug the results in once I do get the parse command to work?
I understand you are parsing the html here to get all of the top_level_post_id:
and you use cut -c to return the 14 letter ID after the colon
I looked into the egrep function and tried a few different alternatives but nothing worked.
egrep -oh 'top_level_post_id":"(\d+)"' Your_page.html | cut -c 31-45
I followed these steps :
One way to grab all post IDs is:
Open your profile page on a browser
Find something small and heavy to keep your End key (Fn+Down for Mac) pressed down
Go to lunch
In the browser, save the page
Use the following command to get all post IDs that is on the saved HTML page:
egrep -oh 'top_level_post_id":"(\d+)"' Your_page.html | cut -c 31-45
Save post IDs to a file post_ids
Then, process_from_ids.py can read post IDs from that file and modify privacy settings for them.
how would I make process_from_ids.py read the saved top_level_post_id ? Should i store it as an array?
#https://github.com/pellaeon/fb-post-bulk-privacy-edit #project repository
#https://findmyfbid.com/ #this is obsolete except for verifying that BODY variable is pointing to the correct FB user.
#Before running this script, run the GetLongLivedUserAccessToken.py script (according to its documented instructions)
# to get the TOKEN and APP_SCOPED_USER_ID values for this script.
#https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens/refreshing/ #Explains how to refresh a long-lived user access token by regerenerating it based on a server-side long-lived user access token. #Mostly tangential but related to the auth logic used here.
#https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/ #Debug user access tokens here
#https://developers.facebook.com/apps/2329833357263890/dashboard/ #where you will see warnings about API request limits.
#https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v3.3/user/feed #docs on the 'posts' method (distinct from page posts)
import os
import json
import string
import calendar
import time
from datetime import date
from datetime import datetime
from httplib import *
import subprocess
#These dates are GMT, so they will not likely match your post time unless you are in the GMT/UTC time zone.
#Notes: Facebook appears to return data starting from the UNTIL date in reverse sort order.
#It presumes that you want to see the most recent data first. This is why it is simplest to keep the 1 day interval.
#There is paging information available, but this script does not handle paging (yet).
#Therefore, it is recommended that you limit the date range in combination with the INTERVAL accordingly.
#The reason for increasing the interval is to reduce the number of API requests.
#A useful way of testing the script is to use the new Manage Posts button on your Facebook profile.
#URL Pattern: https://www.facebook.com/{usernamestring}/grid?lst=100002979822789%3A100002979822789%3A1560719298
INTERVAL=86400*1 #multiplier is the number of days that are in the request batch. Make sure it fits your date range neatly.
#Your FB user's API access token for your app (created above)
#Your FB app user id
#Your FBUSERID - official - this no longer works
privacy_setting='286958161406148' # only me
BODY='' #Fill this in according to README.md
COOKIE='' #Fill this in according to README.md
cmd = ["""egrep -oh 'top_level_post_id":"(\d+)"' Your_page.html | cut -c 31-45"""]
data = subprocess.check_output(cmd,shell=True)
for dd in data:
post_id = string.split(dd['id'], '_')[1]
body = BODY
header = {
"cookie": COOKIE,
"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.1"
conn2 = HTTPSConnection("www.facebook.com")
conn2.request("POST", "/privacy/selector/update/?privacy_fbid="+post_id+
"&render_location_enum=stream&is_saved_on_select=true&should_return_tooltip=false&prefix_tooltip_with_app_privacy=false&replace_on_select=false&dpr=1&ent_id="+post_id, body, header)
res2 = conn2.getresponse()
print "Setting "+post_id+" ("+str(dd['created_time'])+") result code="+str(res2.status)
if res2.status != 200 and res2.status != 500:
print "*********************************"
print "Error: " + res2.read()
print "*********************************"
elif res2.status == 500:
print "Error (Unexpected): Sorry, something went wrong."
#print "Error: " + res2.read()
I didnt add any of my keys in this example, but I do have them when I run this code.
Originally I ran into the error that others have where it fails to retrieve the post ids after a while