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Add The Ship: Murder Party
This PR adds The Ship: Murder Pary egg (which still needs some fixing)
closes #2277
Checklist for all submissions
- [X] Have you followed the guidelines in our Contributing document?
- [X] Have you checked to ensure there aren't other open Pull Requests for the same update/change?
- [ ] Have you tested and reviewed your changes with confidence that everything works?
- [X] Did you branch your changes and PR from that branch and not from your master branch?
- If not, why?:
- [X] You verify that the start command applied does not use a shell script
- [ ] If some script is needed then it is part of a current yolk or a PR to add one
- [X] The egg was exported from the panel
New egg Submissions
- [ ] Does your submission pass tests (server is connectable)?
- [ ] Does your egg use a custom docker image?
- [ ] Have you tried to use a generic image?
- [ ] Did you PR the necessary changes to make it work?
- [X] Have you added the egg to the main and any other README files in subdirectories of the egg (e.g /game_eggs) according to the alphabetical order?
- [X] Have you added a unique for the egg you are adding according to the alphabetical order?
- [X] You verify that the start command applied does not use a shell script
- [ ] If some script is needed then it is part of a current yolk or a PR to add one
- [X] The egg was exported from the panel
@diedyesterdaywashere Please use our steamcmd scripts and put the required things in variables like the app id as it is used for auto update
i completely forgot about this, but i'll see what i can do
thank you, i've been anticipating it <3
if you're unable to get the linux one to work, the windows version might work under Wine.
Uh it's not really an os problem I think? Last time I worked on the egg I couldn't connect to the server and I'm not sure why, but I'm still looking into it
I ran into an issue on Linux at one point, and I searched the internet forever in search of a solution. I eventually fixed it after weeks, but forgot how. Next time I ended up using the windows version and it worked. There's some sort of weird connection bug on the Linux version I believe, unless you manage to find the same fix I came across.