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A drafting module for LÖVE 2D. https://love2d.org
draft is a simple drafting module for LÖVE 2D. It makes it easy to draft primitive shapes, and some more luxurious ones.
Loading the module
To load the module, use the following code.
-- modify the path depending where draft resides
local Draft = require('draft')
local draft = Draft(modeOption)
Setting mode is optional. The default is fill.
The drafting functions can then be called inside the love.draw()
Usage example
local Draft = require('draft')
local draft = Draft()
function love.draw()
draft:rectangle(300, 100, 50, 30)
draft:rectangle(500, 100, 50, 30)
draft:rhombus(400, 200, 65, 65)
draft:bow(390, 280, 100, 2.5, 0, 10, 'line')
The mode can be set when initializing the module, but it can also be overwritten with each drafting function. If you want to overwrite it for many functions, you can use the
functions. -
You can also set the mode to false if you only want to get the vertices, and not draw the shape. For example, using the following code would get the vertices for a rectangle without drawing it.
local vertices = draft:rectangle(100, 100, 50, 80, false)
Look at the file main.lua for examples on how the functions can be called. This file draws all the possible shapes.
function is a powerful function used to draw curves. Notably, it accepts a function for the scale parameter which permits the drawing of complex shapes. You can look at the code fordraft:star
for examples of usage. You can also look at thedraft:compass
function too see how it is called. -
The linkers create line between points. Try them, they are quite powerful!
Draft function list
Getters and Setters
Primary Shapes (using core drawing functions)
draft:line(points, mode)
draft:triangleIsosceles(cx, cy, width, height, mode)
draft:triangleRight(cx, cy, width, height, mode)
draft:rectangle(cx, cy, width, height, mode)
draft:polygon(vertices, mode)
Secondary Shapes (using primary shape functions)
draft:triangleEquilateral(cx, cy, width, mode)
draft:square(cx, cy, length, mode)
draft:trapezoid(cx, cy, width, height, widthTop, widthTopOffset, mode)
draft:rhombus(cx, cy, width, height, mode)
draft:trapezium(cx, cy, widthLeft, widthRight, height, depth, mode)
draft:gem(cx, cy, widthTop, widthMiddle, height, depth, mode)
draft:diamond(cx, cy, width, mode)
Tertiary Shapes (using secondary shape functions)
draft:rhombusEquilateral(cx, cy, length, mode)
draft:lozenge(cx, cy, width, mode)
draft:kite(cx, cy, width, height, depth, mode)
draft:trapezoidIsosceles(cx, cy, width, height, widthTop, mode)
draft:parallelogram(cx, cy, width, height, widthOffset, mode)
Curved Shapes
draft:compass(cx, cy, width, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, wrap, scale, mode)
draft:circle(cx, cy, radius, numSegments, mode)
draft:arc(cx, cy, radius, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:bow(cx, cy, radius, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:pie(cx, cy, radius, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:ellipse(cx, cy, width, height, numSegments, mode)
draft:ellipticArc(cx, cy, width, height, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:ellipticBow(cx, cy, width, height, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:ellipticPie(cx, cy, width, height, arcAngle, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:semicircle(cx, cy, width, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
draft:dome(cx, cy, width, startAngle, numSegments, mode)
Complex Shapes
draft:star(cx, cy, width, widthInner, numPoints, startAngle, mode)
draft:egg(cx, cy, width, syBottom, syTop, numSegments, mode)
draft:linkLadder(v1, v2, mode)
draft:linkTangle(v1, v2, mode)
draft:linkWeb(v, mode)
draft:linkTangleWebs(v1, v2, mode)
example_linker.lua (shows off linking)
-- load draft
local Draft = require('draft')
local draft = Draft()
function love.load()
limitUpper = 100
limitLower = 4
numSegments = limitLower
direction = 'up'
step = 0.01
function love.update(dt)
if numSegments > limitUpper and direction == 'up' then
direction = 'down'
elseif numSegments < limitLower and direction == 'down' then
direction = 'up'
elseif direction == 'up' then
numSegments = numSegments + step
numSegments = numSegments - step
function love.draw()
local v = draft:egg(400, 300, 1500, 1, 1, numSegments, 'line')