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No Init Container in Pod pega-db-install-xxxxx
I have deployed Pega Platform on my AKS Cluster and got problem with the pod "pega-db-install-xxxxx" which used the pega/installer image. As I see in the .yaml file, there is no Init Container created and the restartPolicy is Never. I cant change the restartPolicy. Could anyone help me with this issue? What should I do now? Thank you!
kind: Pod apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: pega-db-install-mp6g9 generateName: pega-db-install- namespace: ourpega uid: 0aa69663-5568-4edb-9be3-7c84b003a9b3 resourceVersion: '713950' creationTimestamp: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' labels: controller-uid: f663c8aa-e2b2-4076-a899-8e3a92972b0a job-name: pega-db-install ownerReferences: - apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job name: pega-db-install uid: f663c8aa-e2b2-4076-a899-8e3a92972b0a controller: true blockOwnerDeletion: true managedFields: - manager: kube-controller-manager operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:metadata': 'f:generateName': {} 'f:labels': .: {} 'f:controller-uid': {} 'f:job-name': {} 'f:ownerReferences': .: {} 'k:{"uid":"f663c8aa-e2b2-4076-a899-8e3a92972b0a"}': .: {} 'f:apiVersion': {} 'f:blockOwnerDeletion': {} 'f:controller': {} 'f:kind': {} 'f:name': {} 'f:uid': {} 'f:spec': 'f:containers': 'k:{"name":"pega-db-install"}': .: {} 'f:envFrom': {} 'f:image': {} 'f:imagePullPolicy': {} 'f:name': {} 'f:ports': .: {} 'k:{"containerPort":8080,"protocol":"TCP"}': .: {} 'f:containerPort': {} 'f:protocol': {} 'f:resources': .: {} 'f:limits': .: {} 'f:cpu': {} 'f:memory': {} 'f:requests': .: {} 'f:cpu': {} 'f:memory': {} 'f:terminationMessagePath': {} 'f:terminationMessagePolicy': {} 'f:volumeMounts': .: {} 'k:{"mountPath":"/opt/pega/config"}': .: {} 'f:mountPath': {} 'f:name': {} 'k:{"mountPath":"/opt/pega/secrets"}': .: {} 'f:mountPath': {} 'f:name': {} 'f:dnsPolicy': {} 'f:enableServiceLinks': {} 'f:imagePullSecrets': .: {} 'k:{"name":"pega-registry-secret"}': .: {} 'f:name': {} 'f:restartPolicy': {} 'f:schedulerName': {} 'f:securityContext': {} 'f:terminationGracePeriodSeconds': {} 'f:volumes': .: {} 'k:{"name":"pega-volume-credentials"}': .: {} 'f:name': {} 'f:secret': .: {} 'f:defaultMode': {} 'f:secretName': {} 'k:{"name":"pega-volume-installer"}': .: {} 'f:configMap': .: {} 'f:defaultMode': {} 'f:name': {} 'f:name': {} - manager: kubelet operation: Update apiVersion: v1 time: '2021-08-30T18:40:57Z' fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: 'f:status': 'f:conditions': 'k:{"type":"ContainersReady"}': .: {} 'f:lastProbeTime': {} 'f:lastTransitionTime': {} 'f:reason': {} 'f:status': {} 'f:type': {} 'k:{"type":"Initialized"}': .: {} 'f:lastProbeTime': {} 'f:lastTransitionTime': {} 'f:reason': {} 'f:status': {} 'f:type': {} 'k:{"type":"Ready"}': .: {} 'f:lastProbeTime': {} 'f:lastTransitionTime': {} 'f:reason': {} 'f:status': {} 'f:type': {} 'f:containerStatuses': {} 'f:hostIP': {} 'f:phase': {} 'f:podIP': {} 'f:podIPs': .: {} 'k:{"ip":""}': .: {} 'f:ip': {} 'f:startTime': {} spec: volumes: - name: pega-volume-credentials secret: secretName: pega-credentials-secret defaultMode: 420 - name: pega-volume-installer configMap: name: pega-install-config defaultMode: 420 - name: default-token-q66wg secret: secretName: default-token-q66wg defaultMode: 420 containers: - name: pega-db-install image: >- ports: - containerPort: 8080 protocol: TCP envFrom: - configMapRef: name: pega-install-environment-config resources: limits: cpu: '2' memory: 6Gi requests: cpu: '1' memory: 5Gi volumeMounts: - name: pega-volume-installer mountPath: /opt/pega/config - name: pega-volume-credentials mountPath: /opt/pega/secrets - name: default-token-q66wg readOnly: true mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent restartPolicy: Never terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst serviceAccountName: default serviceAccount: default nodeName: aks-agentpool-10798322-vmss000000 securityContext: {} imagePullSecrets: - name: pega-registry-secret schedulerName: default-scheduler tolerations: - key: operator: Exists effect: NoExecute tolerationSeconds: 300 - key: operator: Exists effect: NoExecute tolerationSeconds: 300 - key: operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule priority: 0 enableServiceLinks: true preemptionPolicy: PreemptLowerPriority status: phase: Succeeded conditions: - type: Initialized status: 'True' lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' reason: PodCompleted - type: Ready status: 'False' lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: '2021-08-30T18:40:57Z' reason: PodCompleted - type: ContainersReady status: 'False' lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: '2021-08-30T18:40:57Z' reason: PodCompleted - type: PodScheduled status: 'True' lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' hostIP: podIP: podIPs: - ip: startTime: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' containerStatuses: - name: pega-db-install state: terminated: exitCode: 0 reason: Completed startedAt: '2021-08-30T18:14:22Z' finishedAt: '2021-08-30T18:40:57Z' containerID: >- containerd://47c2c677f9d31f8da1d2ed3894b9410596033423a7503395ee5dafb062c8a6f9 lastState: {} ready: false restartCount: 0 image: >- imageID: >- containerID: >- containerd://47c2c677f9d31f8da1d2ed3894b9410596033423a7503395ee5dafb062c8a6f9 started: false qosClass: Burstable
@tthv7 The installer image does not (and should not) have a restart policy. This image is used as part of a Kubernetes Job; the pod that gets created performs the installation process, and exits when complete.
If you already have Pega Platform installed on your database, you do not need to use the installer image, and you should set actions.execute
to "deploy" in the values.yaml. If you need to perform the database installation, you should instead use "install" or "install-deploy" and then allow the install job to complete.
Unfortunately, the installer does not gracefully handle restarts. This is a limitation of the underlying platform installation, so we can't fix that in the helm charts. If the installation process failed, and this is a fresh installation, you should clean the schemas and re-run the process. It does appear to have run for 26 minutes with a status of Completed and a 0 exit code; can you verify in the pod logs if the installation succeeded?
@pega-talba thank you so much for your answer!
As I see in the pod log, the status of the pod is succeeded and the container pega-db-install has following state: State: Terminated Reason: Completed Exit Code: 0 Ready: False So the pod is okay, right?
Besides I have 2 pods pending, pega-stream-0 and ourpega-aks-demo-cassandra-2. As I look at the pod logs, it's said the reason ist "Insufficient cpu, Insufficient memory". I have 2 nodes in the cluster with the settings "Gen5, 4 vCores, 32 GB" (I followed the instruction Deploying Pega Platform on an AKS cluster, so I dont understand why it's not enough).
As I tried to scale the nodes to 3, I got the error Failed to scale node pool 'agentpool' in Kubernetes service 'pega-deploy-cluster'. Error: The specified service CIDR is conflicted with an existing subnet CIDR
The subnet is used for the gateway and because the gateway is in use, I can't change the subnet, so I can't scale the nodes. Maybe you have a suggestion what I could do now? Thank you.
for the reason "Insufficient cpu, Insufficient memory".
Please try to upgrade the cluster size and memory, and for subnet error, Please try to use different range for subnet.
User different CIDR Range
address_space = "" subnet_prefixes = [""]
instead of this:
[] ""