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How to addTracks to a connection?
I'm trying to stream multiple video and audio streams from one peer to the other over a single connection. From what I can gather reading WebRTC docs this can be acheived by called RtcPeerConnection.addTrack on one side of the connection as long as the other side has a track listener (e.g. pc.addEventListener('track', (evt) => ...)
However, this doesn't seem to work. My code is as follows:
const call =, localStream);
call.on("stream", (remoteStream) => { // <-- triggered when call is answered
console.log(`received remote stream from host ${remoteSocketId} ${remoteStream}`);
addUpdateStream(remoteSocketId, remoteStream);
// listen for tracks
console.log("adding track event listener");
call.peerConnection.addEventListener("track", (evt) => { // <-- Not triggered
console.log(`received track ${evt.track.label} with ${evt.streams.length} streams from the host`);
evt.streams.forEach(stream => {
console.log(`${} - ${stream.getTracks().length}`);
peer.on("call", (call) => {
call.answer(localStream); // Answer the call with an A/V stream.
call.on("stream", (remoteStream) => {
addUpdateStream(remoteSocketId, remoteStream);
// if you are the host then add the studio streams as tracks to the local stream
if (amiHost.value) {
hostStreams.value.forEach(stream => {
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => {
console.log(`adding track ${track.label} to peer connection`);
call.peerConnection.addTrack(track, stream); // <-- tracks are definitely added to the connection
Am I misunderstanding something here? Is it even possible to add multiple streams to a single connection or do I need to open a new connection for each stream? If there are any examples of doing something similar that would be great.
Did you happen to figure out a solution for this?
same problem
same problem
up please ;)
please help