Adrian Pilarczyk
Adrian Pilarczyk
Hello @yasirub π It is not on our roadmap and, frankly, we don't know enough on the topic to say whether it will be in the near future.
Hello @sixthgear π Amazing job describing the issue and providing the PR for it π. Thanks so much for your contribution.
Hello, @waveywaves π We received such offers in the past and we remain not interested.
Hello @manhtd98 π If this is a bug report, please follow the issue template. If not, I will convert it into a discussion. Either way, we need more details. Can...
> Update the docs about waay how we trigger the sync webhooks for taxes While updating the docs, please remember to describe what makes an invalid and successful response (status...
@aniav I added some stuff, I fixed some stuff, I added some todo comments, and I changed some stuff according to my taste. I didn't want to do too much...
> "Refactored" order state graph to use flowchart instead of State graph, WDYT? its beautiful