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Run Gatling over Docker with InfluxDB and Grafana
Run Gatling over Docker with InfluxDB and Grafana No pre-configuration is necessary. As soon as you run the cluster, you will end up a configured benchmark environment.
To run this demo you need:
- docker
- docker-compose
How to run
From root directory execute the following:
docker-compose up -d
Or, in order to see the distributed effect of the gatling tester, you can scale your tester node as follow:
docker-compose up --scale gatling-runner=4 -d
After a few seconds access Grafana site at http://localhost:3000/dashboard/db/sample-service or replace the ip with the correct one.
Default user and password are: admin/admin
You should be presented with a screen that looks like this:
How to stop
Destroy the whole stack: docker-compose down
Stop and erase all containers and volumes: docker-compose down -v
Mess around
The Gatling script being run is located at ./gatling/simulations/sample/SampleService.scala
It tests a service written in Node.js locate at ./sample-service/hello-http.js, very simple and responds with random errors so there is no need to stress to much the system to get a nice graph.
Data from Gatling is stored on InfluxDB using the graphite protocol. Grafana is used to present this data in fancy graphics on real time.
./docker-compose.yml has a description on how to start and link all of this together.