whatsapp-web.js copied to clipboard
Sending a location message doesn't work!
Is there an existing issue for this?
- [X] I have searched the existing issues
Describe the bug
No working send to location Example after working client.sendMessage(numId,new Location(37.422, -122.084, 'Googleplex\nGoogle Headquarters')) other example var loc = await new Location(Number(lati),Number(long), '') client.sendMessage(numId,loc)
Expected behavior
Send to location in the whatsapp
Steps to Reproduce the Bug or Issue
client.sendMessage(numId,new Location(37.422, -122.084, 'Googleplex\nGoogle Headquarters'))
Relevant Code
client.sendMessage(numId,new Location(37.422, -122.084, 'Googleplex\nGoogle Headquarters')) other example var loc = await new Location(Number(lati),Number(long), '') client.sendMessage(numId,loc)
Browser Type
Google Chrome
WhatsApp Account Type
Does your WhatsApp account have multidevice enabled?
Yes, I am using Multi Device
linux, [email protected]
Additional context
No response
I have the same problem
Me too
It began to stop sending map location since 2 days ago. Any progress for this bugs report?
It doesn't work in my project.
Same here
I guess I'm having the same issue... No error thrown and the location is never sent.
I don't have any error in the return.... but the location doesn't send it.
Message {
_data: {
id: {
fromMe: true,
remote: [Object],
id: '3EB0B57B146C4E5F****,
_serialized: 'true_552799924****@c.us_3EB0B57B146C4E5F****'
body: '',
type: 'location',
t: 1658413933,
from: {
server: 'c.us',
user: '552799933****',
_serialized: '552799933****@c.us'
to: {
server: 'c.us',
user: '552799924****',
_serialized: '552799924****@c.us'
self: 'out',
ack: 0,
isNewMsg: true,
star: false,
kicNotified: false,
loc: 'Rua Abiail do Amaral Carneiro 84',
lat: '-20.3154123',
lng: '-40.293625',
isFromTemplate: false,
mentionedJidList: [],
isVcardOverMmsDocument: false,
isForwarded: false,
labels: [],
hasReaction: false,
disappearingModeInitiator: 'chat',
productHeaderImageRejected: false,
lastPlaybackProgress: 0,
isDynamicReplyButtonsMsg: false,
isMdHistoryMsg: false,
requiresDirectConnection: null,
pttForwardedFeaturesEnabled: true
mediaKey: undefined,
id: {
fromMe: true,
remote: {
server: 'c.us',
user: '552799924****',
_serialized: '552799924****@c.us'
id: '3EB0B57B146C4E5F****',
_serialized: 'true_55279992****@c.us_3EB0B57B146C4E5F****'
ack: 0,
hasMedia: false,
body: '',
type: 'location',
timestamp: 1658413933,
from: '552799933****@c.us',
to: '552799924****@c.us',
author: undefined,
deviceType: 'web',
isForwarded: false,
forwardingScore: 0,
isStatus: undefined,
isStarred: false,
broadcast: undefined,
fromMe: true,
hasQuotedMsg: false,
duration: undefined,
location: Location {
latitude: '-20.3154123',
longitude: '-40.293625',
description: 'Rua Abiail do Amaral Carneiro 84'
vCards: [],
inviteV4: undefined,
mentionedIds: [],
orderId: undefined,
token: undefined,
isGif: false,
isEphemeral: undefined,
links: undefined
I have same issue
I have same issue
me too =)
Me too
Any progress for this bugs report?
This feacture is no longer present in whatsapp web. So I think we will run out =(
Negative! Let's put our heads to work. Anyone who finds a solution will post it here.
anybody having button issue? if working for all of you please help me.. button not working for me
Same problem too, looks like whatsapp removed this feature from whatsapp web
Is there no solution for this bug?
I think the project was abandoned! No response on this and other threads.
Really, I hope the project is not abandoned, it started a week ago and I am delighted with Pedro's work, I see that there have been updates in the main branch in the last month.
I have the same problem, and it doesn't return an error either, it just doesn't send the location.
I will be investigating this soon, no reason for it to stop working unless the functions we are using are outdated
no funciona el enviar Location, hay solucion?
Same here
Hi every one, I know is not same, but you can send a text message with a link to google maps:
var locationLink = '*Ubicación* \n https://www.google.com/maps/search/?api=1&query='+MyLatitude+','+MyLongitude;
await spbWhats.waC.sendMessage(g, locationLink);
same here
Same here
Also experiencing this issue - the promise resolves and it reckons the message was sent successfully (no exceptions thrown or anything), but there is no further info of anything going wrong nor does the location actually come through
same here
If you guys read the first line of the readme of this project: "A WhatsApp API client that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app". If the feature was removed from whatsapp web (the official one you access through the browser normally), there is no way this project is going to make it work, it is impossible...
If you guys read the first line of the readme of this project: "A WhatsApp API client that connects through the WhatsApp Web browser app". If the feature was removed from whatsapp web (the official one you access through the browser normally), there is no way this project is going to make it work, it is impossible...
It should work yes, I'm using the venom-bot that uses the same technology as this one and it's working correctly.
I still prefer this project, much better to develop than venom-bot.
I'll be waiting for Pedro to solve this problem and I'll use this bot again.
If an action that is not possible for a human user on whatsapp web, starts to be performed by a bot automatically and consistently, good luck on not being blocked by whatsapp... They basically use this kind of behavior on their algorithms to detect bots and ban users on their plataform... We should remember that bots are not allowed by their user agreement...
For example, it was possible (I don't know if it still is because I don't use it anymore) to remove a list of users from a group all at once using whatsapp-web.js, instead of doing this one by one as a normal user would. I tried this functionality once and I was immediately blocked by them, and the telephone number I was using at the time was not able to use whatsapp anymore...
It can be that you are not blocked now, using tools that allow you to do so, because it is kind of recent that they removed the location sharing functionality on whatsapp web. But I would not be surprised if they start to block users doing this in a near future...
I would stick to the solution @OddJoe suggested and use google maps links with the coordinates attached to them, it's basically the same... Unless you need live tracking with automatic location updates, then it would not work...