colorchecker-detection copied to clipboard
--OSError: cannot load library 'build/mcclib/libmcclib.dll': error 0x7e. Additionally, ctypes.util.find_library() did not manage to locate a library called 'build/mcclib/libmcclib.dll'
Thanks to the author for his answer. I'm On Windows, and I've executed : --set OpenCV_DIR="./extern/opencv" --mkdir build --cd build --cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -D OpenCV_DIR=%OpenCV_DIR% .. And the result of running it is: -- Selecting Windows SDK version to target Windows 10.0.18363. -- The C compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.23026.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is MSVC 19.0.23026.0 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: D:/软件安装/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: D:/软件安装/VC/bin/x86_amd64/cl.exe - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: D:/colorchecker-detection-master/build
When I run, But The mistake happened again: --OSError: cannot load library 'build/mcclib/libmcclib.dll': error 0x7e. Additionally, ctypes.util.find_library() did not manage to locate a library called 'build/mcclib/libmcclib.dll'
I can't solve this problem. I really hope you can help me. Thanks again!