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Question: Disable emmet withing the script tag.
Hi, I don't if this is a bug, but when writing javascript within the script
tag, it tries to turn whatever I'm writing into a tag. Is there a way to disable it only within the `script' tag?
It happens with the 'style' tag as well. btw.
I have it configured as a nvim-lsp-installer custom server:
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
local configs = require('lspconfig.configs')
local servers = require('nvim-lsp-installer.servers')
local server = require('nvim-lsp-installer.server')
local path = require('nvim-lsp-installer.path')
local npm = require('nvim-lsp-installer.installers.npm')
local server_name = 'ls_emmet'
if not configs.ls_emmet then
configs.ls_emmet = {
default_config = {
filetypes = { 'html', 'css', 'scss', 'sass', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescript', 'typescriptreact' },
root_dir = function()
return vim.loop.cwd()
settings = {},
local root_dir = server.get_server_root_path(server_name)
local installer = npm.packages({ 'ls_emmet' })
local ls_emmet = server.Server:new({
name = server_name,
root_dir = root_dir,
installer = installer,
default_options = {
cmd = { path.concat({root_dir, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'ls_emmet'}), '--stdio' },
Thanks, great language server.
Let me think about this.