sweet-alert-dialog copied to clipboard
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown animation name: cn.pedant.SweetAlert.Rotate3dAnimation error:cn.pedant.SweetAlert.Rotate3dAnimation
Can you share code block? We can't help with just error message Maybe this topic will help you https://github.com/pedant/sweet-alert-dialog/issues/151
I Found a solution , import lib as module
@A7med7ani how to import lib as module ? can you help me ?
@masehitam clone repo, then import library as module then copy
// VERSION_NAME=1.3 VERSION_CODE=4 GROUP=cn.pedant.sweetalert
POM_DESCRIPTION=SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog. POM_URL=https://github.com/pedant/sweet-alert-dialog POM_SCM_URL=https://github.com/pedant/sweet-alert-dialog POM_SCM_CONNECTION=scm:[email protected]:pedant/sweet-alert-dialog.git POM_SCM_DEV_CONNECTION=scm:[email protected]:pedant/sweet-alert-dialog.git POM_LICENCE_NAME=The MIT License POM_LICENCE_URL=http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT POM_LICENCE_DIST=repo POM_DEVELOPER_ID=pedant POM_DEVELOPER_NAME=Pedant
/// in gradle.properties file
and copy in build file
ext { compileSdkVersion = 25 buildToolsVersion = "3.0.0" }