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VMWare Workstation driver for Docker Machine

Results 16 docker-machine-vmwareworkstation issues
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Hi, I doesn't start as the default.wmdk disk is not created. I am using the VMWare-Vix-1.6.2 Cdt, SK

Docker Machine Version: 0.14.0, build 89b8332 Boot2Docker: v18.09.0 VMWare: Workstation Pro 15 vmrun version 1.17.0 build-10737736 ## Steps to Reproduce: ``` docker-machine -D create --driver=vmwareworkstation vmware ``` ## Issue: Timeout...

Looking through the code, there's an option for specifying a [cloud-init]( configuration. Judging from the rest of the code, it's not as simple as passing a cloudinit file and some...

## Why Current build setup is really outdated, to simplify the development, we update to using `go mod` and `go 1.13`

Hi, guys, I've tried all the approaches discussed previously and I'm still getting a "**Machine didn't return an IP after 120 seconds, aborting**". [The same was mentioned in #29 but...

Fixed bug.

fix 'Docker Host VM re-deployed if the VM is not running'

`vmrun list` only lists running VMs. It cannot detect if a Docker Host VM is existing but stopped. So, if the Docker Host VM is not configured as a autostart...


## Changes - add notes. - modified ## Reason - "vmrum.exe list" command just list the running VMs, not all registed VMs like Virtual Box So,just changed the "if"...

Hi, pecigonzalo. Can I add some custom parameters ***(`--engine-registry-mirror=my_url`)*** after this sentence? ```Shell "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" create -d vmwareworkstation $PROXY_ENV "${VM}" ``` #### Samples ```Shell "${DOCKER_MACHINE}" create -d vmwareworkstation $PROXY_ENV "${VM}" --engine-registry-mirror=my_url...